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The Story Of An Alcoholic

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  • The Story Of An Alcoholic

    A post on the Official Team Fortress 2 blog has revealed the stages in the design process from the Demo man character. Keep reading:
    The path to arriving at a final design for a character is sometimes a long and winding one. This was especially the case for the Demoman and we thought it would be interesting to step through that process and shed a little light on how we arrive at our final designs. Early on in the process, soon after we decided that we were going to start a new, more stylized direction for TF2 it opened up a whole range of possibilities in terms of what that meant visually. One of the first (albeit short-lived) ideas that was being thrown around was to try to recreate a look of claymation for our game. The idea was to make the world look like a miniature set built for clay figures which animated and gibbed into chunks of clay.
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></center>
    Now that we were back to the drawing board an effort was made to first think of these classes as full characters with a history, distinct personalities and even nationalities. Short biographies were draft which helped the artists concept characters which they imagined would match these biographies. For the Demoman, although the angry Scotsman was already an archetype common in media we decided to embrace that. The short bio was:
    "A fierce temper, a fascination with all things explosive, and a terrible plan to kill the Loch Ness Monster cost the six-year-old Demoman his original set of adoptive parents. Later, back at the Crypt Grammar School for Orphans near Ullapool in the Scottish Highlands, the boy's bomb-making skills improved dramatically. His disposition and total number of intact eyeballs, however, did not."
    With this bio to springboard from and constant meetings between the artists and feedback from the team, a number of concepts were created:
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>
    <ahref=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></center>
    At this point, the 3D model for the Demoman was being built and we were preparing to move on. However, there were still some who didn't think he was quite there. A nagging feeling that perhaps the embracing of the archetype was a little to generic. Perhaps a little too much like a groundskeeper in Springfield. We needed a twist to make him more interesting. We didn't want to lose his personality but felt like visually he needed something that broke the cliche. A suggestion was made to have him of African descent and we ran with it.
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></center>
    With a few modifications to his overall shape we soon arrived at the final concept and what you all see and play in the game today:
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a></center>
    You can read the full blog here.

  • #2
    Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

    Booze And Dynamite dont mix

    Unless your the Demoman xD


    • #3
      Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

      does this mean the demoman is next?


      • #4
        Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic


        It's just the design stages that Valve went through to create the character


        • #5
          Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

          I like how all Americans think that Scottish people are ginger, cause I'm Scots and I am no ginge


          • #6
            Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

            Groundskeeper Willy would have been epic!!


            • #7
              Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

              I always thought it was kinda strange having a black Scottish guy. Maybe a Pakistani guy would be more appropriate.


              • #8
                Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

                Weird, Pakistani's aren't back.


                • #9
                  Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

                  The Simpsons reference FTW.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic



                    • #11
                      Re: The Story Of An Alcoholic

                      Originally posted by TrudgiN View Post
                      I like how all Americans think that Scottish people are ginger, cause I'm Scots and I am no ginge

                      This is a really interesting post. I love the artwork, and I particularly like the demoman with the kilt.

