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Nation Institute on Media & Family Lists CoD4 as Parent Alert!

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  • Nation Institute on Media & Family Lists CoD4 as Parent Alert!

    Call of Duty HQ has posted up an article on the Nation Institute Media & Family which labels Call of Duty 4 as Parent Alert. Check out what they have to say:
    Let me first start by saying they in no way rank order the listings. A lot of other sites are publishing the list as if Call of Duty 4 is the "second worst" game to buy, with games like Manhunt 2 considered "lower" on the offensive chart. But that is not true.

    The fact is, the document was just written in Alphabetical Order! You can download the 2007 Video Game Report Card and see for yourself.

    But it is true, NIMF is considering CoD4 one of the games to avoid for children. I guess they missed the fact that it got an "M" rating, recommending only adults 17 or older play the game. The full list included:

    * Assassin's Creed
    * Call of Duty 4
    * Conan
    * The Darkness
    * Jericho
    * Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
    * Manhunt 2
    * Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
    * Stranglehold
    * Time Shift

    Well I just thought I'd comment on the bit of news, and hopefully this doesn't affect Infinity Ward's rep any. I don't see why it should. I don't think an 8-year old should be playing these games either. It doesn't mean the game is inappropriate or out of line any more than movies like Air Force One or American Gangster are.
    You can read more about this here.

  • #2
    lmao, and they didn't put crysis up there... You can grab people by the neck in that game and use them as a meat sheild! :laugh:


    • #3
      Manhunt 2 is no surprise its banned in the UK

      Just because NIMF are saying parents should avoid games for their kids it doesnt mean it will happen if a kid wants a game they usually get it. CoD4 isnt even that bad SP is quite mild compared to other games around that arent even listed.


      • #4
        Originally posted by D12Eminem989
        * Assassin's Creed
        * Call of Duty 4
        * Conan
        * The Darkness
        * Jericho
        * Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
        * Manhunt 2
        * Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
        * Stranglehold
        * Time Shift
        That list isn't excatly the christmas package for 8-year old...

        And isn't Manhunt 2 banned in quite few places?


        • #5
          Interesting really. Before there was a rating system, people complained. So the industry created one.
          NOW, they want to use the very same code system to condemn the games they think inappropriate for children.
          I suppose they need to find something for causing GlobalWarming, and a brewing economic melt-down of the housing market.


          • #6
            Originally posted by StoneCold313 View Post
            And isn't Manhunt 2 banned in quite few places?


            • #7
              CoD4 doesn't seem that bad at all... I guess it sort of shows what the people who made this list actually know. Like Flubber said, Crysis is definitely more graphic than CoD4 - within the first 10 mins you see a mutilated guy hanging out of a tree dripping blood. Bioshock didn't even make it onto the list either.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Scinto View Post
                I read from somewhere that the devs had to tone it down little...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by D12Eminem989 View Post
                  NIMF is considering CoD4 one of the games to avoid for children.

                  I guess they missed the fact that it got an "M" rating, recommending only adults 17 or older play the game.
                  QFT. Real rocket-scientists these guys are.


                  • #10
                    I guess for CoD4 its the execution scenes and killing Dogs(lol).

