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Total Gaming Network launches the EncyClanPedia

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  • Total Gaming Network launches the EncyClanPedia

    Today marks the launch of the EncyClanPedia. This is a new website created by MyInternetServices that serves as an encyclopedia for gamers. In this website you can find personal pages that people have created for themselves, pages that clans have set up, and on top of all that, you can find some good old gaming information. Whether it be the name of one of Battlefield 2's mappers or the year in which Total Battlefield 2 was founded, you're sure to find it in the EncyClanPedia.

    Similar to other popular online encyclopedias, the EncyClanPedia gives its readers the opportunity to become its editors. As long as you are registered on the site, feel free to add as much information as you see fit.

    This was a massive undertaking which can be credited to TGN's own Dairuka. With his efforts as well as the effort of various volunteers from the Total Gaming Network, this project has finally become a reality.

    As mentioned, to access all of the features on the site, you must be registered. It is currently planned that the site will be integrated into TGN's database, but until then, please make sure you register with the same username and e-mail address you use on the Total Gaming Network forums for the integration to be successful in the future. An announcement will be made when the databases will be integrated.

  • #2
    Sweet its up! Will this put TGN n the world map?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Idaeus View Post
      Sweet its up! Will this put TGN n the world map?
      We hope so.

      It'll take time to get it to a point of respectability though. The administrators will be adding new things to it every day, but we will always need the help from contributors to make it really shine.


      • #4
        Cool! Hopefully people will see the useability in this... (is that a word?) Would be great for advertising TGN if it became big!

