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Battlefield 2 Assault Mod Update

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  • Battlefield 2 Assault Mod Update

    Spartan117gw has sent in some news today regarding his Battlefield 2 Assault mod. Here's what he had to say:
    Today I present you some pictures of the current build of assault mod. There are new weapon varients thanks to requin94 of bf solo mod and some new effects and skins as well. The USMC desert marpat has been redone as well.

    Even that isnt the biggest news. The big news is BULLET PENETRATION. Yes, just like call of duty 4, all objects that can be penetrated by bullets will. and for example the wall of a house will dampen the damage and add more deviation to the round passing through then a thin wooden fence. No longer will a surface that you should be able to shoot through be a problem. if the adversary is on the other side. well. let em have it! Helos now spin out of control and really catch on fire when under heavy damage.

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

    To check out even more new media from this mod, click here for a new teaser trailer.

  • #2
    wow those maps look great...I wanna play


    • #3
      Good job, Keep up the good work!


      • #4
        oh if your unfamiliar with the mod\never herd of it. its a sp\coop\multi mod.


        • #5
          Website or anything with MORE info?


          • #6
            naw not really(sorta independant mod) but with alot of help from the big mods and other modders. visit
            this is where most of my stuff is


