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Community Member Review

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  • Community Member Review

    Our very own community member Torchwood has written up his views and thoughts on Call of Duty 4. Take a look:
    Call of Duty and its expansion, United Offensive were sort of a different flavour than Call of Duty 2. I was actually hoping they would expand it back out again, give us the Cobras and the Humvees and the long distance ownage but then I realised, that it’s not Battlefield 2 and that’s why I like it, it’s a different game to play. So, it’s safe to say, I was pretty mixed up heading into November.

    I’d like to just point out here that all Call of Duty PC Games have been very light on the old specifications. My PC tends to go ‘wrong’ from time to time and I have to resort to my older computer which doesn’t do what I want half as fast as I want it to. Can’t play Battlefield on anything higher than Low. Crysis, forget about it, it won’t even take the disc. They always manage to make them look great, yet amazingly you don’t actually need a supercomputer to enjoy the game.

    Multiplayer is the most important part of the game, in my opinion. If the multiplayer is on fine form, you’ve got yourself a winner of a game. The big addition this time around was the stats. Before COD4, Multiplayer was just a one track affair. You play a round, you either suck or win and the next round, it’s back to the start. There was no progression for the player. But now, to catch up with other games such as Battlefield and Quake Wars, they add unlocks and statistics which means not all opponents are equal and everyone is playing a different game with different weapons, a different way.

    Personally, I like to go undetected. I like to use silenced weapons and the knife, so I prefer the silence perks. But now and then, I like to change it around. Add myself a lovely Machine gun, put on some bullet penetration and throw some extra grenades in for good measure and I’m making noise and mowing everything in sight down and grinning like a Cheshire cat doing it. I have to mention also, the return of the Domination game mode. I thoroughly enjoyed that during my UO days and I’m so pleased they added it again.

    Be sure to read the rest of the review by clicking here.

  • #2
    Great use of technical description about the graphics. I would have liked to have seen more of a depth on this as I like the lighting effects in the game and their visual representation of modern day environments. Shame.
    Multiplayer is like CS but with better graphics. Maps with large buildings are just pointless. Just a major nade fest. Although it has better customization of attacks rather than Spawn. Frag. Die situations.

    The Singleplayer was painstakingly easy and rather cut short as appose to Crysis where the gameplay and field of approach is wider rather than choreographed by trigger points to advance in the game. However I did enjoy the missions and the character animations. My favorite mission had to be the evac sub mission of the Sniper mission. Running and gunning with a sniper rifle was the only challenging part of the game. The key was sparing some of your claymores to set as the choppers fly in and Snipe them as they grapple down.

    Visually: Great.
    Gameplay: Choreographed until you reach multiplayer where it becomes a better looking and customized CS.
    Overall: Great fun. I've always wanted a dog to rip my throat out whilst fighting off russians who fall off their chairs when I disturb their sleep.


    • #3
      Well thought out but I disagree with a lot of his opinions. What he liked I hated and what I liked he thought was weak. Just goes to show how everyone looks at these games different and overall how on target this game was.

      Though I did find it odd that the bloody lame nade drop in MP was not discussed at all.


      • #4
        Originally posted by [tR]Greasy_Mulle View Post
        Well thought out but I disagree with a lot of his opinions. What he liked I hated and what I liked he thought was weak. Just goes to show how everyone looks at these games different and overall how on target this game was.

        Though I did find it odd that the bloody lame nade drop in MP was not discussed at all.
        I didn't want to get into too much detail, just sorta hit the basics. That 'nade drop almost defeats the purpose of killing someone in the game. You kill so you dont get killed. Grenades are a problem in COD4, but they're not as annoying as people firing grenade launchers at your feet. It's pretty easy to kill someone to do that, but its just dirty.


        • #5
          Coriolis effect my friend :P


          • #6
            I think explaining the Coriolis effect is beyond anyone to explain never mind Torchwood.


            • #7
              Well, I dont care how it works. All i know is, Zakhaev got ROFLPWNT.


              • #8
                Gah, there are spoilers in the review.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Micster View Post
                  Gah, there are spoilers in the review.
                  u havent played single player and completed it?! :shock:


                  • #10
                    The reason I don't like the nade drop, I do it in every game I play. But it's not easy to always drop a nade before you die, BUT, this game can do it for you. Tsk tsk. Practice like me on throwing a nade before you die, don't just give it to the player.

                    Oh, and people are always complaining about the grenade launcher, I rarely die from it. Use cover people. It doesn't penetrate the walls like bullets, so get some cover and you're fine. I kill TONS of people with it, but rarely, maybe 3 or 4 times in 3 hour period of gaming do I get killed with it.


                    • #11
                      I don't usually say this, but I stopped reading after the line "SP is usually a let down when it comes to Call of Duty". In all seriousness, I stopped and refused to read on.

                      Either the review only played Deus Ex (1), System Shock, Undying or AvP2 (to name a few), so he got spoiled with shooters with exceptional single player, or he just has no idea what he's talking about.

                      CoD series had a GREAT singleplayer experience, in spite of being scripted.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pwnageisntgood View Post
                        u havent played single player and completed it?! :shock:
                        I have, but what about the other poor souls who read it and have yet to finish the game?


                        • #13
                          Coriolis Effect: Eventhough there is no wind, the bullet will automatically bend a little to the right (Because you're on the northern half of the earth.)
                          On the southern half it will go to the left.
                          Yeah I had to say that.
                          Good review. I don't need it since I am playing it eversince it was released but that's fine. For others of course!


                          • #14
                            Naturally yes but wouldn't that depend on which direction you're facing?. However in the long range world, Coriolis is at it's greatest effect. N.B The sniper mission to take out the Zakhaev... or the black guy. Sniping and taking the wind into play made it very challenging.
                            Pft don't wait for the wind to settle. Be adventurous.


                            • #15
                              If I were to say that the Coriolis effect is caused by a ficticious force, would that clear things up for people?

