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Total Gaming Network needs Wiki writers and editors!

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  • Total Gaming Network needs Wiki writers and editors!

    For some time now, the Total Gaming Network has been working on a project that has the potential to rival the Wikipedia. What it is, is a Wiki network with the intention of promoting games, gamers, gaming communities, strategies, mods, servers and most of all. Clans. Because of the content it contains, we call it the EncyClanPedia.

    The EncyClanPedia is a place where the whole Total Gaming Network community can come together to share the vast wealth of knowledge on any and all things gaming. Plus with our proposed Featured Gamer and Featured Clan programs, it can be a place where professional gamers can shine in the spotlight, and clans can attract potentially dozens to hundreds of new prospecting members!

    The basic building blocks of the EncyClanPedia have already been put into place, and though it still remains under construction, we need people with either writing or Wikipedia experience to help us out by alerting us to any and every issue that crops up. We need people to report any problems ranging from gaps in the Help or Policy pages, missing templates, missing .php's, or even technical errors from the server. Quite literally, we need people to report anything that could help this project get it's feet up off of the ground without a hitch. With your help, we can make the EncyClanPedia a part of internet history!

    You can take part of this project today by sending a private message to Dairuka, or by adding Dairuka to your X-fire and sending a message to him there.

  • #2
    Hey, that was my idea.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Limech View Post
      Hey, that was my idea.

      Your idea did indeed come first, as your site's first page was made on the 15th of November, while my proposal wasn't posted until the 17th of November.

      They say that when an idea is ready for discovery, that it is in effect, conceived by multiple people.

      The difference between who gains what credit, depends entirely on how the idea is implemented.

      The EncyClanPedia is not solely based on pro-gaming, but rather it is a Wiki for everything to do with gaming. It will cater to a much broader crowd than just pro-gamers; but with the help of the TGN, TGL, and some promotional work, we can also certainly do a lot to shine the spotlight on individual pro-gamers, and pro-clans.

      Still... perhaps instead of competing for credit and success, we could share it.

      We'd love to have another dedicated person who is well versed with the ways of the Wiki on the EncyClanPedia staff. Especially one who is knowledgeable and involved with pro-gaming. I can personally guarantee you a position as a Staff member, as well as multiple people to work along-side, (Webs, Kirk, ThQp, Alex, Me) just so long as your TGN Forum background is clear. (No bans)

      Think it over at least. We can help make each others visions come alive.

      If you want to, feel free to Private Message me with a reply.


      • #4
        Don't worry, there's also another one in existence but I don't want to link it here since it will drive away people from your wiki.

        I've got plenty of work with my casting duties but thanks for the offer. The wiki I started came about me writing this crap down for myself as a reference. I figured might as well bring it public for others to enjoy and contribute.

        Good luck with the TGL wiki.

