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Update 003 And New Map Released

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  • Update 003 And New Map Released

    MassGate today has released the #003 update for World in Conflict and along with it, a map making tool. Take a look:
    The World in Conflict Team is proud to announce the release of Update 3, the World in Conflict Map Tool “WicEd” and an entirely new map!

    Update 3 not only fixes some bugs and balancing issues, but also introduces several new features that further enhance the gameplay and online experience. The update will be downloaded and installed when you connect to Massgate.

    The Map Tool, or “WicEd”, allows imaginative people to create their own, unique maps for the game. Click here to download the tool, and check out this quick-start manual for an easy introduction to the tool’s features.

    Also, to celebrate the release of WicEd, we release an all-new Domination map called Vineyard! You can either download the map from here or you can get it by logging in to Massgate.

    Have fun!

    In case you missed the list of changes this update has done, be sure to click here to view them all. Be sure to log into World in Conflict now to get this update!

  • #2
    WooT WooT time for some new maps! GO GO GO people get to work.



    • #3
      Ugh, the map editor takes more to run than the game. It's incredibly laggy and is slightly difficult to get a good terrain going. It looks good but the lag is the real thing that bogs you down. Can't place things accurately.

