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First Strike Compatible With Patch v1.4

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  • First Strike Compatible With Patch v1.4

    The First Strike mod team has posted up a new update regarding the latest BF2142 patch. Listen up:
    Many of you might be wondering if you can upgrade your client to version 1.4 and still play FirstStrike. Well, the answer is: Yes you can! All you player will not have to do anything but all you server admins should do the following:

    Open mods/FirstStrike/std_archive.md5 in notepad and replace the couple lines in there with this:

    0 6a0a2ffd2cccd518048be77d0d2f1dde
    1 908fba2f2669d9542b3f1ee3a41230f8
    2 a9934492ba00bad47599bdc025aa77ff
    3 b96966068e70b783604eb710bdac5697
    4 b5e8cefababff298228d89f06f4b3ae6
    5 2c2aee9cbc4a0eb96eb127e6ce256899
    6 df138e178981a5d011b9bb433c343d8f
    7 309122d9bd3704c5bf01ad9b36aa62cc
    8 7e9aee9d3fa59151c40e8aed3a2866c2
    9 63a3f96c8ecf74e5028090f13e3fde15

    For more on the First Strike mod be sure to visit here.

  • #2
    This patch is extremely important to the survival of the mod I feel, it's maps were limited, had many glitches and felt distinctly like something was missing. This upcoming patch will include 2 new maps, vehicles and lots of other little things so it really is crucial.

    Apparently one of the map is one which allows infantry, aircraft and land vehicles to battle it out which is what the mod desperately needs after having too many rather boring space maps. I'm guessing they've fixed some of the space issues too, like how it takes so long to get to a battle.

    Fingers crossed :yay:


    • #3
      "boring" space maps? I have no idea what you're talking about.


      • #4
        I have no idea either... geesh, those anti-cruiser battles get intense! Maybe I'm just lucky to be in a squad that stuck together, but it's always been good times on FirstStrike.

        If only people would try other servers besides Wolf...


        • #5
          What players have complained about in the space maps is that because the maps are so big, it takes too long to get from a spawn location to the action. The dev team is looking at ways to improve that aspect of the space maps. The first release of First Strike was a space and infantry focused beta release. Future First Strike releases will have combined arms maps.

          The real question is how long will the team stick with the BF2142 engine? DICE has released the final patch, ceased booster pack development, and never released a debugger, the promised editor or even lightmap samples.

          I hope at least until we Hoth is released with a working ATAT.


          • #6
            I liked the mod, but that issue with the crashing servers killed it for me. By the time the fix was out i had no desire to play anymore. My favorite map was the one with the biggest issue, that forest one. I heard it was the map that made servers crash the most


            • #7
              Its sad to see this mod so barren, those guys worked their asses off doing this for us. And what is it with "space maps suck give us ground" I adore space maps. Huge seemingly limitless maps, great space dogfights, and fighters always available welcome the flyboys home. One flaw in space dogfights, ships need stats, I often found myself trying to loop around an enemy on my tail only to find us both doing the same thing and getting nowhere for 5 mins. Great mod though, you guys should take a little time every now and then to populate the servers, nobody else will do it.

