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Ventrilo 3.0 Coming This Week

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  • Ventrilo 3.0 Coming This Week

    Flagship Industries, the makers of the popular voice-over-ip software Ventrilo, has announced today that the next version will be released this week. Take a look:
    [fl][/fl]Pre-release announcement for Ventrilo 3.0

    On Wednesday, Nov 14th 2007, we will be releasing version 3.0 of the Ventrilo communications system. While the actual change log is still being worked on we can give you some clues here as to what you will be getting.

    User Access Rights (UAR)
    Guest account and restrictions
    Per channel codecs
    User authorization channels
    User complaint reporting
    Private chat sessions

    Oh, and the “Move User To” menu option has been resurrected from the dead. But we also have an auto scrolling drag-and-drop system so it might not get used much.

    And this is just to name a few. The change log in DOC format is already 13 pages long so this little snippet really doesn’t do justice to how many new features have been added. So be sure to read the change log, found on the main download page, once 3.0 is available for download.

    An official announcement will be posted on the main page of when everything is available.


    Read the official announcement here.

  • #2
    I thought i saw Teamspeak 3... guess that's still vapourware then...


    • #3
      yeah i was hoping for TS3 also.... its long over due.


      • #4
        sounds cool, bit I'll personally stay on TS


        • #5
          Its good to hear Vent is releasing Version 3.0. But TS FTW!!!


          • #6
            TS3 FTW!!! i cant firggen wait for ts3 lol


            • #7
              I'd just like to be able to run a Vent server on my own server without a 8 slot limit. TS can do this without having to pay out the butt for a license.


              • #8
                Originally posted by sava700
                I'd just like to be able to run a Vent server on my own server without a 8 slot limit. TS can do this without having to pay out the butt for a license.
                if you go backwards like to the 2.14 version you can have more than 8, not sure but i think up to 20, reason i know anothe game i had went back so they could hold more peep. downside most people unless there dedicated to your vent wont go to older version just for one server. :salute:


                • #9
                  Ventrilo FTW. :salute:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JustMe0171 View Post
                    if you go backwards like to the 2.14 version you can have more than 8, not sure but i think up to 20, reason i know anothe game i had went back so they could hold more peep. downside most people unless there dedicated to your vent wont go to older version just for one server. :salute:
                    exactly the point.. TS3 should have the same if not better codecs than Vent will so its highly anticipated. The license for Vent over 8 slots is just insane and not needed IMO.

                    ugg..its really annoying to set users up over "Guests" but I can see how useful it could be also.


                    • #11
                      The new update for ventilo is very good, the sounds amuse me when connecting and disconnection of a server...


                      • #12
                        yea i enjoy the sounds a bit more

                        but microsoft sam.. ewwww

                        "Microsoft Sam is the computers default voiceee." <-- you have to drawl out the eee because thats how he says it.


                        • #13
                          Well, I am happy the new Vent came out. Although it sucks just as much as the last version.

                          I like many others are awaiting TS3.

