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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review List

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  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review List

    Instead of creating a new post every time a review is published, this thread will be updated with all the latest reviews for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. It's great to see the game receiving some very impressive ratings! Be sure and take some time to read the various articles from the list below:

    GameSpy - 10/10
    GamePro - 10/10
    Team Xbox - 9.7/10
    1UP - 9.5/10
    IGN - 9.4/10
    ActionTrip - 9.2/10
    GameSpot - 9.0/10

  • #2
    Whoah! It got better reviews than i thought it would.


    • #3
      I cant wait to try out the game.


      • #4
        Single player is great but the multiplayer is gonna take a little getting used to (though not saying thats its bad, just different than other games I've played)


        • #5
          Gamespot always gives out that kinda reviews... They are haters... Few points less than it should...


          • #6
            Not All Good!

            The action is intense and keeps the player satisfied -for now. However the maps are small and the choke points don't allow for flanking which does nt allow for intricate squad play which in-turn turns into a duck shoot- making players find the best place to camp and then to wait for any player with any guts to push on an enemy postion and then to get an easy kill. Could get boring in a hurry!


            • #7
              Originally posted by StoneCold313 View Post
              Gamespot always gives out that kinda reviews... They are haters... Few points less than it should...
              They are most likely a little sour because they got WRECKED most of the time on the server we played. Wallace is one of our LAN CS:S players and takes his gaming very seriously, he also comes from COD2 and is familiar with the game modes. So if you notice the shots below he is in most of them.


              • #8
                Great pics


                • #9
                  In the Gamespot's review only bad thing in this game was "Campaign mode is much shorter than those of the average shooter."

                  And the good was "High-quality story mode packs in a lot of thrilling and unexpected moments, Well-designed multiplayer progression gives you something to shoot for online, Terrific audiovisual presentation."

                  So i think from those it should have been around 9.5...

                  Great pics btw...


                  • #10
                    I agree that the SP seems to be short. But, man, is it intense!

                    Also, the MP maps are small and I have a feeling that they will start to get old. The good news about this is that CoD4 supports server-side map downloads to the clients. That's great stuff.

                    My rating is 9.2/10. Why? Botched server release kept most gaming communities on hold on the release day :shakehead and the lack of CTF, squad or fireteams, the short SP campaign and the extremely small maps.

                    I'm just being honest here. But, this in no way means that I don't like it -- I really like CoD4 quite a lot. But, it is not perfect (and that's okay).



                    • #11
                      I personally kinda hoped that there would be squads/fireteams... But that isn't CoD then...

                      Im getting my version tomorrow(or today to be exact it's 2:28AM here). And im gonna check out the game then myself...



                      • #12
                        Highest ranked game ever.

                        I'm glad I got the Limited Collectors Edition. Tomorrow I'm going to get another and leave it sealed. Hopefully "Limited" means limited.

                        I bet the devs at IW all get really good Christmas bonuses .


                        • #13
                          So i got my game today, and all i gotta say IT'S AMAZING!!!

                          I played some SP first, and i didn't even expect it to be this intense...

                          Then i moved to MP, i've have just been playing with all the kits, and trying to rank up to get more unlocks...

                          I first got lost to "free-for-all" server. And it sucked... Big time... There were lot's of times when i spawn into some room and the enemy spawns across it and mows me down... So i moved to TDM server, and i have been playing it about 2 hours...

                          My rating is 10/10.... This is just awesome!!


                          • #14
                            When I first started playing the multiplayer, I didn't like it as much as compared to BF2. However, all the unlocks/challenges are addicting, I like this WAY better than BF2 now that I've given it more time...

