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Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

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  • Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

    The Battlefield Pirates 2 mod team has released the server files for their upcoming version today. Take a look:
    Attention all ye captains of servers --- Battlefield Pirates 2 for Battlefield 2 be ready for release, so please download the server files below and prepare for pirates to be raidin' yer slots!

    There be only 1 version for both Linux and and Windows servers, so ye don't have to be worrying about no specific downloads and what not -- just grab this here server archive below an prepare yer vessels fer sailin'.

    Here be a treasure map of sorts, tellin' ya scurvy dogs just how to set yer sextant and rig yer sails...Server Read Me.

    An please maties, if yer server just wont float, or ye be havin' trouble with anythin' at all, post in this here message board- link

    And for all ye landlubbers wonderin' when ye can get yer hands on a musket, check this here this week for the treasure...

    [In plain English - this means that this download is not the full build, just the files necessary to get a server running. Once we have enough servers running to make room for as many players as possible we will release the full mod to the public].

    Stay tuned for the client release of Battlefield Pirates 2!

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

    Excellent! This mod looks cool, its good to have a change from the normal day battlefield we say all the time,


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

      Yarrrrrr! Just in time for TLAPD!!!!


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

        YARR now release the client


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

          Its a great mod, i can tell you that! i cant wait to get back in the cutter again


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released



            • #7
              Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

              Nice! I've had the opportunity to play this mod off and on in its test phases. I can say that it is ALOT of fun and I'll be there on opening day. :yay:


              • #8
                Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                OH! I will make you walk the plank if I need to wait more then a day! Can't wait.


                • #9
                  Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                  You guys that have helped us test havent seen half of the goodies we have waiting for you in R1... *hehehe* Just wait 'n see what we got done in these last couple weeks.

                  Right - so just a quick word on the release of the client. We didnt want to railroad 1,000 players onto our two test servers this morning and have everybody give up on the mod because there was nowhere to play. So we're looking for as many clans and private server owners to install our mod as possible to give everyone a place to play. The installer is less than 30MB, and if you dont like it you can go back to Bunnyhop At Karkand... no harm done.


                  • #10
                    Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                    How about releasing the client now? There's plenty of servers already. :nod:


                    • #11
                      Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                      YAAAARRRRRRR big fan of the 1942 pirates cant wait for this one!


                      • #12
                        Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                        Oh this is awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                          I guess we will be expecting the client files tomoz!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                            maybe, or maybe not depends on how much tea i have.


                            • #15
                              Re: Battlefield Pirates 2 Server Files Released

                              Originally posted by Teuvo_K View Post
                              How about releasing the client now? There's plenty of servers already. :nod:

