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Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

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  • #76
    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    Originally posted by |D|-Jaws
    Don't set your sights so low. 120 people is abysmal. I won't be happy until I see 10,000.

    I wonder how many rabid PR fans will cross over to FH2? Or would that be blasphemy?
    To be honest if FH2 gets over 10,000 players playing at 1 time I will eat my hat on a live web cam. Not that I have a hat but I will buy one epically for the occasion

    As for the PR fans, I would hope ALL of the PR fans to at the very least give FH2 a go, along with every other BF2 mod as that is what we need is at the very minimum more players giving these mods a fair chance. But I very much dout that a large number of PR fans will not play PR again after FH2's release as FH2 and PR are very diffrent mods that offer very diffrent things. I know I will be giving FH2 a really good go and will probably play it for ages to come along side PR and other mods / games


    • #77
      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

      Originally posted by Rhino View Post
      To be honest if FH2 gets over 10,000 players playing at 1 time I will eat my hat on a live web cam. Not that I have a hat but I will buy one epically for the occasion

      As for the PR fans, I would hope ALL of the PR fans to at the very least give FH2 a go, along with every other BF2 mod as that is what we need is at the very minimum more players giving these mods a fair chance. But I very much dout that a large number of PR fans will not play PR again after FH2's release as FH2 and PR are very diffrent mods that offer very diffrent things. I know I will be giving FH2 a really good go and will probably play it for ages to come along side PR and other mods / games
      I hope you realize that I just made you post the most evil post of your BF2 existence....your post count now reads 666.:yay:


      • #78
        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

        Originally posted by |D|-Jaws
        Uhm...Uhhhh lol

        Don't set your sights so low. 120 people is abysmal. I won't be happy until I see 10,000.
        I think that 133 players (at 00.22) are even too much (e.g. in maps like ramelle or pegasus there are still too much players that look at KDR).
        I prefer quality over quantity; for me will be ok (for devs won't ) even if FH2 will have only 64 "good" players... :yay:


        • #79
          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

          Originally posted by Uhm...
          I think that 133 players (at 00.22) are even too much (e.g. in maps like ramelle or pegasus there are still too much players that look at KDR).
          I prefer quality over quantity; for me will be ok (for devs won't ) even if FH2 will have only 64 "good" players... :yay:

          just remember....gameplay > EVERYTHING.

          You can have the highest standards, the highest quality....if you don't have great gameplay and great map flow, you don't have squat.

          I believe that FH2 can have both, but only time will tell.


          • #80
            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

            Originally posted by |D|-Jaws
            just remember....gameplay > EVERYTHING.

            You can have the highest standards, the highest quality....if you don't have great gameplay
            Are you talking about FH2's gameplay or how players play?


            • #81
              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

              Originally posted by Uhm...
              Are you talking about FH2's gameplay or how players play?
              gameplay is 2/3 down to how players play in the end.


              • #82
                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                Originally posted by Rhino View Post
                gameplay is 2/3 down to how players play in the end.
                that's what i think too (that's why i said
                Originally posted by Uhm...
                I think that 133 players (at 00.22) are even too much (e.g. in maps like ramelle or pegasus there are still too much players that look at KDR).
                I prefer quality over quantity; for me will be ok (for devs won't ) even if FH2 will have only 64 "good" players... :yay:


                • #83
                  Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                  Originally posted by Rhino View Post
                  gameplay is 2/3 down to how players play in the end.


                  If you make a map and the gameplay and flow of the map sucks you failed at making a great map. It might look pretty and realistic and all that....but if the map doesn't flow and play well, it's a bad map.

                  And that's why the truth is this:

                  gameplay > quality > everything else

                  There is a reason why certain maps in the BF series are considered to be classics...Berlin, Aberdeen, Lost Village, DC Bridge, Hue, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Karkand, Sharqi, Mashtuur, etc. These maps all have great gameplay. Maybe not for you because you like the tactical aspects even though I have no idea how a map can be tactical or not lol....



                  • #84
                    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                    Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post

                    If you make a map and the gameplay and flow of the map sucks you failed at making a great map. It might look pretty and realistic and all that....but if the map doesn't flow and play well, it's a bad map.
                    I think that not all maps can be played at the same way... There are maps where to move forward you have "to die", a lot of players don't understand this (or love too much their KDR) and so they start to camp (or avoid that map) => they destroy the gameplay of that map
                    In that case, it's a mapper's fault or players' fault? I think players' fault :nod:

                    I trust devs' skill, I don't think that there will be some (heavy) unbalanced maps.


                    • #85
                      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                      Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post

                      If you make a map and the gameplay and flow of the map sucks you failed at making a great map. It might look pretty and realistic and all that....but if the map doesn't flow and play well, it's a bad map.

                      And that's why the truth is this:

                      gameplay > quality > everything else
                      and you think I do not know that?

                      the thing is you need to understand is that maps and game modes and all things like that are a "guide" as such to how a player should play the game. That is 1/3 of game play, the other 2/3rds is how the players infact play the mod / map is what comes out in a big result to the overall game play of the mod.

                      For exsample, bunny hopping in vBF2, is it in the game mode rules, dose it come as part of a map? no, its how the players play the game/mod/map that has a direct effect to the game play of every player on the game. You can how ever have a big influence with the 1/3 of the game play, known as "the guide" side but overall a player could 100% ignore that and end up having a race around the roads of the map for an example, and if every one did that it would change the game play would it not?

                      at the end of the day, the players are more in control of the game play than the modders / devs.

                      There is a reason why certain maps in the BF series are considered to be classics...Berlin, Aberdeen, Lost Village, DC Bridge, Hue, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Karkand, Sharqi, Mashtuur, etc. These maps all have great gameplay. Maybe not for you because you like the tactical aspects even though I have no idea how a map can be tactical or not lol....

                      you can think what you like thou I have play most of these maps and agree that all games have there classics, you cant have a suspenseful game/mod without ecleast one classic map/level.

                      Also to let you know just because I work for and play PR, dose not mean I have never or still do not play Arcade type games/mods. Not long ago I was playing quite abit of SupCom which is hardly in any way realistic, and was testing out the new OPK beta the other day and might hop on today again if there are some testers on.

                      Also my definition of how a map is tactical or not is by the amount a player needs to think on the map to win over the enemy. Karkand could be classed as quite a tactical map, thou it dose have very few routs of attack in its first bottle neck.


                      • #86
                        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                        Originally posted by |D|-Jaws
                        Of course it does, but you won't be picking up many new people who don't already have BF2 installed. To play FH2, you HAVE to BUY BF2. BF2 is on a downward spiral. The other mod for BF2 called BF2142 also widened the divide. The odds are against you already...
                        We're catering for those who already have BF2. Even then people may well buy BF2 just for FH2 (which'd be great ) - I'm considdering buying BF2142 just for the First Strike mod.

                        I'm not entirely sure what you mean by your second point suffice to say we're hoping that people will accept FH2 for what it is - not go in expecting WW2/BF2 ports of the "classic" maps you mentioned but something completely new and original. In the end it doesn't really matter how many people play, even if it's just a couple of full servers and a few tournaments that's great! Obvioulsy though, the more player the better...


                        • #87
                          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                          Originally posted by [FH2]Mr_Cheese View Post
                          even if it's just a couple of full servers and a few tournaments that's great! Obvioulsy though, the more player the better...
                          Good luck on the tournaments... CAL got so dropped by DCON that I think they are moving on or at least thats the last thing I got talking to one of the Admins over there. BF2 is dying and yes 2142 is just a MOD of BF2 plain and simple.. and I'll argue that with anyone here...a sucky mod at that.

                          I'm going to say this once more and prob the last time.. that unless yall release this mod VERY soon i'm sorry to say your going to just be wasting alot of time. You have some dedicated players waiting for it but BF2 is dying, just look at the numbers. Mostly dying off for MOD play and we have only "ranking BS" to blame that on. Its 2 years in the making lets rock and roll guys cause right now speaking as a server owner I'm ready to throw up a kick *** server for people to play on! :salute:


                          • #88
                            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                            Originally posted by Rhino View Post
                            and you think I do not know that?

                            the thing is you need to understand is that maps and game modes and all things like that are a "guide" as such to how a player should play the game. That is 1/3 of game play, the other 2/3rds is how the players infact play the mod / map is what comes out in a big result to the overall game play of the mod.

                            For exsample, bunny hopping in vBF2, is it in the game mode rules, dose it come as part of a map? no, its how the players play the game/mod/map that has a direct effect to the game play of every player on the game. You can how ever have a big influence with the 1/3 of the game play, known as "the guide" side but overall a player could 100% ignore that and end up having a race around the roads of the map for an example, and if every one did that it would change the game play would it not?

                            at the end of the day, the players are more in control of the game play than the modders / devs.

                            you can think what you like thou I have play most of these maps and agree that all games have there classics, you cant have a suspenseful game/mod without ecleast one classic map/level.

                            Also to let you know just because I work for and play PR, dose not mean I have never or still do not play Arcade type games/mods. Not long ago I was playing quite abit of SupCom which is hardly in any way realistic, and was testing out the new OPK beta the other day and might hop on today again if there are some testers on.

                            Also my definition of how a map is tactical or not is by the amount a player needs to think on the map to win over the enemy. Karkand could be classed as quite a tactical map, thou it dose have very few routs of attack in its first bottle neck.
                            I can accept everything you said now that you have provided some clarity on the issue. But I hope you do see my point in level creation. There is a formula that seems to be successful in the BF series.

                            when you're being camped and killed on a map, attention to detail and quality goes right out the window...nobody will care about how pretty the map is. they will just say, this sucks. Now it could be their own fault for being camped or it could very well be the design of the level which is what I see alot of. I'm just of the opinion that details and quality are secondary to gameplay/level design. Yes, they both can have a high priority. But all the polish in the world can't save a poorly laid out level. Polish can however greatly enhance the immersion level the player experiences on a well designed level.

                            Oh well....I just wanna see FH2 be a success just as I wanna see all the other mods be a success.


                            • #89
                              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                              Yeh but you dont only have "ranking BS" to blame it on. There's a competition worthy mod out there thats more than willing to support the competetive community in the future (if they post suggestions and feedback where they'll get seen by devs). Yet currently, its been dropped. And you blame the lack of mod support on ranking and ranking only? A lot of the lack of mod support comes from players who are more bothered about what they don't have or what's wrong rather than appreciating what they do have and what's right.

                              Ranking doesn't help mods but neither do people who refuse to play a mod because it has just the odd issue they don't like. It's no wonder teams like FH2 aren't hurrying a release if players are dropping mods just because they're not 100% perfect and they're not prepared to be patient enough for fixes to come.

                              I just wish all the people who give the hurry up to mod teams knew what it's like to receive "release now or the mod will be dead" comments and then be on the receiving end of all the negative feedback when the mod is rushed out. Then see their mod "dropped" because the same people who were begging for a quick release aren't satisfied enough with what they have. Then maybe those people would be able to see that the FH2 devs are doing exactly the right thing.


                              • #90
                                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                                Something interesting in this discussion:

                                |D|-Jaws, what does gameplay means?<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1530325", true); </SCRIPT>

