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Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

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  • #61
    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    [PTG]Chef_uk, are you complaining because you want it or because you care about the mod and want it to be successful?


    • #62
      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

      I just hope players don't just leave after the first week of playing FH and then going back to vBF2 to continue playing on ranked servers. I hope to see some of the older FH1942 players I knew from Wolfgaming playing FH.


      • #63
        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

        Originally posted by youm0nt
        I just hope players don't just leave after the first week of playing FH and then going back to vBF2 to continue playing on ranked servers. I hope to see some of the older FH1942 players I knew from Wolfgaming playing FH.
        That's what I hope will differ FH2 from the rest. And I think it will do.

        And what's the point of playing ranked ? You rack up points that your never going to be able to do something with anyway.

        You play for fun, and if you play for points, you don't, and then your wasting your time.


        • #64
          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

          Originally posted by Tiny View Post
          That's what I hope will differ FH2 from the rest. And I think it will do.
          Well thats what I thought before PoE2 come out, with the player base all from BFv etc I thought it would easily have loads of players playing it but these days you are lucky to find more than 100 on at any 1 time.

          The fact is BF2 players are kinda predictable when it comes to mods, but in some ways like FH2 I really aint sure, I hope they will be able to keep there player base.


          • #65
            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

            PoE had tonnes of players, but then the 1.4 patch came out and they all disappeared.


            • #66
              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

              I think mods have to be very unique from vBF2 these days to get too popular. PR for instance has the highest player base out of all mods and its gameplay is extremely different from vanilla. I believe FH2 will not only play very different, but feel very different from vBF2 to the point where you may not even recognize it as a mod. Hell, even the screens look like a different game. In addition, FH2 of course has some of the most beautiful maps, skins, models, etc to match its amazing gameplay. FH2 will be successful, hands down. For those of you who claim to "give up" on waiting, we won't miss you. However I still know that you will play, despite the time of release.


              • #67
                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                Originally posted by solodude23 View Post
                [PTG]Chef_uk, are you complaining because you want it or because you care about the mod and want it to be successful?
                Good question. In all honesty i would say because i want it but then i wouldn't say for it to be successful is down to the development team's sole input to the mod, therefore i wouldn't have those two options as a yes or no type question. I want all mods to be successful but am of the belief for that to occur they have to listen to the guys that play it in an open public environment.


                • #68
                  Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                  and you speak for the public?


                  • #69
                    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                    I just wanted to say that the latest media is simply jaw dropping stuff. Seeing everything come together from undergrowth to statics, to weapons and vehicles, each FH2 update is mouth wateringly better than the last FH2 is a class above all other mods and the more I see the more it starts to kind of feel like this isn't even a mod anymore. If a game company were to licence the bf2 engine for their own title, it's hard to imagine it looking better than FH2.

                    Simply stunning work and the talent pool in the team is obviously of the highest calibre. Take however long it takes to release, because honestly, this one will be a new game when it comes out and every minute waiting for it would have been worth it. :salute: To see that much dedication and talent in a free release is incredible.


                    • #70
                      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                      I find all of the updates extremely satisfying and I am in awe of the FH devs skills.

                      With that in mind I do have a few things to say that I think are often overlooked or diminished.

                      The following are factually and historically accurate to a "T".

                      Every single mod released for every vanilla version of Battlefield has had issues, be it bugs, gameplay balance issues, etc. FH2 will not be any different. The reasons behind this are simple, until you release it to the public in mass, you will not truly know what issues lie outside that of your own internal testing team. Real world example, DCON thought that everything was going to be kosher upon their alpha release....massive lag on certain systems ensued and undiscovered problems were found after the public got it's hands on it.

                      So let me repeat, every mod has had issues and FH2 will be no different. In fact, it should be expected. Will that stop anyone from playing it? Nope, but you can expect to feel the publics wrath. It goes with the territory.

                      Second fact, just because you may have released the single most awesome mod for a Battlefield version doesn't mean that people will stick around to play it when new games are being released. Don't believe me? Look at POE1 v4.4. POE1 v4.4 was released right before the demo for BF2. It was played ferociously by the tens of thousands of POE fans and then abandoned overnight once the demo for BF2 came out. POE1 v4.4 was the DC v.7 equivalent for BFV. It was near perfection and yet it was abandoned like a red headed step child. So if you think that you can guarantee to maintain a player base in the FPS genre, you are kidding yourselves. There are 5 FPS games waiting to fracture and bleed the BF community dry. They are COD4, MOHA, Crysis, Frontlines: Fuel of War and ET:QW. EA has control over two of these titles, Crysis and MOHA. Crysis will have 2 officially supported mods upon release making it 3 games in 1. So again, if you think that you can maintain BF numbers against 5 new next gen games, then so be it. History has already proven that to not be the case. If it were the case, then why aren't we all playing DC Final, POE1 v4.4 , EOD for BF1942, and FH1 v.70?

                      Desert Combat had in it's v.7 release on two download sites alone, over 2+ million downloads. Gamemonitor reports a max of 1,500 players combined in all of BF1942 and it's associated mods. Players/fans will leave you behind to move forward. It's not just a fact, it should be expected.

                      There are 95,765 FH registered forum members.

                      If I were in charge of FH2 development, I would set an INTERNAL release date and hold everyone to it. I would prioritize our 8 best maps and insure that they have all associated content working, bug free and as polished and perfected as humanly possible. At some point, a leader has to set an internal goal/benchmark based on priorities in relation to content produced. If you don't, you will always be chasing something down because the nature of mod creation is always chasing something it pre-release in alpha builds or post release.

                      DC v.7 and Final were not perfect.

                      With all of that, I can wait to play FH2 and will play it upon release whenever that may be. I do however not want to be alone.


                      • #71
                        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                        Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post
                        Real world example, DCON thought that everything was going to be kosher upon their alpha release....massive lag on certain systems ensued and undiscovered problems were found after the public got it's hands on it.
                        Although I agree with what you're saying about all mods having problems on the first release, just a small correction. We gave the community plenty of warning about the lag issue. The alpha was known to have lag issues and the community were told this in advance of the release.


                        • #72
                          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                          Originally posted by Big Lebowski View Post
                          and you speak for the public?
                          I am one of the public therefore my opinion is that of a public person, is it not?


                          • #73
                            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                            Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post
                            ... They are COD4, MOHA, Crysis, Frontlines: Fuel of War and ET:QW. ...
                            You miss one major point though: none of these are Battlefield-style gameplay (i.e. playable infantry/tanks/planes/ships in a capture the control point game) in a World War 2 setting. CoD4: modern tunnel shooter (or whatever), MoH:A: WW2 rambo, Crysis: future rambo, F:FoW: future BF-esque, ET:QW: future BF-esque. Not all gamers play a game just beacuse it's new and shiney, there are still many people who pick up a game because the subject matter and/or the gameplay appeal to them. Surely this plays a major factor?


                            • #74
                              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                              Originally posted by |D|-Jaws View Post
                              If it were the case, then why aren't we all playing DC Final, POE1 v4.4 , EOD for BF1942, and FH1 v.70?
                              FH 0.7 now has more than 120 players (just on European servers), and they are enough... :nod:


                              • #75
                                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                                Originally posted by [FH2]Mr_Cheese
                                You miss one major point though: none of these are Battlefield-style gameplay (i.e. playable infantry/tanks/planes/ships in a capture the control point game) in a World War 2 setting. CoD4: modern tunnel shooter (or whatever), MoH:A: WW2 rambo, Crysis: future rambo, F:FoW: future BF-esque, ET:QW: future BF-esque. Not all gamers play a game just beacuse it's new and shiney, there are still many people who pick up a game because the subject matter and/or the gameplay appeal to them. Surely this plays a major factor?
                                Of course it does, but you won't be picking up many new people who don't already have BF2 installed. To play FH2, you HAVE to BUY BF2. BF2 is on a downward spiral. The other mod for BF2 called BF2142 also widened the divide. The odds are against you already.

                                to address the rambo comments, all I can say is you best bring your A game to your Berlin/Lost Village/Hue/Karkand. You may not wish for mass appeal but you can convert many by at least catering to that which has proven to be the most successful. I have many many hours logged in to FH1 on Berlin, Orel, Battle for Stalingrad, Arnhem & Gold Beach. LOVED THEM TO DEATH!

                                So what say you?

                                Originally posted by Uhm...
                                FH 0.7 now has more than 120 players (just on European servers), and they are enough... :nod:
                                Uhm...Uhhhh lol

                                Don't set your sights so low. 120 people is abysmal. I won't be happy until I see 10,000.

                                I wonder how many rabid PR fans will cross over to FH2? Or would that be blasphemy?

