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July Reported Servers and Players

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  • July Reported Servers and Players

    We wanted to update you all on our ongoing efforts being taken to punish cheating and padding players and deal with servers that support such activity.

    In the month of July the EA tech support team processed 103 reports of Battlefield 2 servers breaking the ROC, such as knife and pistol servers. 310 reported cheating or padding players were processed with many of them subsequently being stripped. We’ve also implemented an improved system for actively targeting knife and pistol servers which should speed up the process of shutting them down.

    12 Battlefield 2142 servers were processed as were 150 players, again with a number of those players being stripped when it was determined they were exploiting, padding or cheating.

    We process every report of cheating that we receive however we feel that there are many more out there to catch. As such we'd encourage Battlefield players to report any cheaters or rule-breaking servers they find while playing online. We want to see the above numbers go higher as much as you do - the fewer cheaters out there the better the game is for everyone.

    If you believe a player is cheating, padding or exploiting, or that a server exists with rules or admins that support such activity, please report it to the EA Customer Support where it will be investigated and dealt with as appropriate.

    Source: Battlefield Portal

  • #2
    Re: July Reported Servers and Players

    Nice to see they are still taking notice of the issues


    • #3
      Re: July Reported Servers and Players


      But do i have to die in my sleep ? :\


      • #4
        Re: July Reported Servers and Players

        They should dedicate half their skyscraper to this issue

        Still glad they are still working on it.


        • #5
          Re: July Reported Servers and Players

          Well, it would be nice if they kept updates like this coming out too. That way we know they are actively on top of it...


          • #6
            Re: July Reported Servers and Players

            haha that bit of info will shut a few people up for a while. i just find it shocking though, 103 pistol and knife servers? WTF!


            • #7
              Re: July Reported Servers and Players

              iv started to report more and more people cheating, i think more are doing it.
              cheating sucks and its realy lame when you get people who use some of the lamest cheats like aimbot. cheaters should be on a global bann list and not allowed to play any online games, like people who cheat in vegas get thrown in jail for life.


              • #8
                Re: July Reported Servers and Players

                Originally posted by derrickkolba View Post
                cheaters should be on a global bann list and not allowed to play any online games, like people who cheat in vegas get thrown in jail for life.
                get a life! cheating at a video game is not the same as cheating to earn large amounts of hard cash.


                • #9
                  Re: July Reported Servers and Players

                  Originally posted by ham_411
                  haha that bit of info will shut a few people up for a while. i just find it shocking though, 103 pistol and knife servers? WTF!
                  I have a feeling that the 103 servers were composed of a lot of servers where they just put up Knife&Pistol for several hours but got nailed for it. And they don't regularly run full on K/P servers. Never know though?


                  • #10
                    Re: July Reported Servers and Players

                    Its nice to see EA/Dice still taking an interest in BF2 the past couple of days.
                    Keep up the good work, next step is another new map


                    • #11
                      Re: July Reported Servers and Players

                      Originally posted by derrickkolba View Post
                      iv started to report more and more people cheating, i think more are doing it.
                      cheating sucks and its realy lame when you get people who use some of the lamest cheats like aimbot. cheaters should be on a global bann list and not allowed to play any online games, like people who cheat in vegas get thrown in jail for life.
                      Why waste the time and energy, lets just put them on death row instead...might as well cuz u kno cheating on a video game is as bad as breaking the law in real life.

                      Seriously now, you would really ban the person from all online games. I don't like cheaters either, but banning them from everything?:shakehead:

