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Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

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  • #16
    Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

    Originally posted by Sharpy View Post

    You should see all the statistics you achieved during the outage the next time you log into BFHQ, however you may experience a slight delay in seeing newly acquired stats whilst the stats processing catches up with recently submitted stats.

    My SF stats has yet to update though.
    But i earned like 500 pts over the weekend and still nothing.


    • #17
      Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

      Yeah, I don't see the 2,000+ points I had during the outage, and I checked my BF2S an hour or so ago when it updated and I have been keeping track of my points during each round since the outage was fixed .. so yep, they didn't magically appear there and me not know about it.


      Amazingly, they did just magically appear! lol... BF2S just updated for me, and I got 1900 points out of the blue


      • #18
        Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

        Originally posted by GeneralPatton View Post
        Yeah, I don't see the 2,000+ points I had during the outage, and I checked my BF2S an hour or so ago when it updated and I have been keeping track of my points during each round since the outage was fixed .. so yep, they didn't magically appear there and me not know about it.


        Amazingly, they did just magically appear! lol... BF2S just updated for me, and I got 1900 points out of the blue
        I want my update


        • #19
          Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

          ya my stats are way off from what they should be,i have tech mailed them for an answer which my best guess is will be them say oh so sorry eat are ***, and deal with it cause we forced you into agreeing to an end user agreement you wouldnt waste your 60 dollars you had spent har har har! EA is a bunch of *** pirates.


          • #20
            Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

            Mine are still missing , I am estimating ( but close ) over 4000 points 10 golds , 10 Silvers , quite a few Bronzes , jet and heli time .

            One of my clan servers is instantly updating Port 16567 . Now this is great I hear you say but it only gets played on between 1900-2359 UK time and I play on other servers between 2359 and 0600 , yes I am a night owl .

            Admin why did you close the servers that instantly update when there is clearly a problem going on nearly 4 weeks old ? I would like details of any server that will instant update please myself ?

            Problem is I have a bet between me and a friend , first one makes Colnel gets £50/$100 .


            • #21
              Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

              As you probably all know by now, I am completely against instead of arguing with you all, I just want you to think about winning. If you do everything in your power to win, your stats will come. I am not an advocate for giving awards and badges to losing teams because I think it enforces the wrong ideas.

              I know, my opinion and everybody can flame me for it but I truly haven't seen any positives come from the stats system.


              • #22
                Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                I really don't think they're done catching up. I have a screenshot taken with FRAPS that's dated "2007-06-26". June 26. It's a screenshot of me winning a gold medal. And, if you look on my stats, it shows the last gold medal I've won was on June 10.

                (Right click > Properties to see the date.)

                If this isn't proof that the stats are still bugged/not done catching up... then I don't know what is.


                • #23
                  Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                  SPECIAL FORCES isn't working and they haven't said the damnest thing. Army times and badges don't record.

                  I just played this game, I got the gold star and the points but I didn't get the sniper badge or army time for seals or MECSF.


                  • #24
                    Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete



                    • #25
                      Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                      THIS IS A LOAD OF EA CRAP
                      my stats havent moved in 3 is NOT server sided
                      i have played on servers where everyone elses stats update...but not mine


                      • #26
                        Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                        I was gone throughout the whole blackout period, now i have to wait for the recent stats to catch up

                        I was in the phillipines , at least my uncle had an uber 1337 rig (no internet, expensive there) that played fear, doom, and lock on all on high.


                        • #27
                          Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                          Ok just played on one of my fav servers EY24/7 Kark with Vehiicles only ,rounds as follows ;My global score before i played was 110872

                          Round 1:42
                          Round 2:40 Bronze Star
                          Round 3:51 Silver Star
                          Round 4:Cant remeber the score but about 40

                          So I should have had in the region of 170 points and a Silver and Bronze star ,today the 10th of July at 05:30 Uk Grenwich Mean time , Eastern Sebaord time 00:55 and I take it EA servers run on Eastern Seaboard time ?

                          I am not going to play anymore today , lets see if they show up ?

                          Before the 24/7 I played 2 games on a 24/7 Oman server , I.P address PORT 16569 and had 2 round of 40 and 49 which has added 89 to my global score which now shows as 110872 , i checked before i went into the server and my global score was 110783 , the differnce of the two rounds.

                          It seems that EA have 2 problems here
                          1. Selected players are not getting points on servers that are updating for some players , I asked the EY 24/7 Admin and he told me it was hit and miss .
                          2.Some servers are still not updating at all .

                          Now EA announced it had been fixed over a week ago and I have not said a word since.

                          What is going on ,,anyone ???????


                          • #28
                            Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                            Originally posted by Gunner View Post
                            SPECIAL FORCES isn't working and they haven't said the damnest thing. Army times and badges don't record.

                            I just played this game, I got the gold star and the points but I didn't get the sniper badge or army time for seals or MECSF.
                            not to through too much salt on that, but, I wouldn't be too proud of getting an Expert badge for sniper while being a gunner. Just my 2 cents. But you are completely right about the SF stuff. That is all I play and I have not seen much, but like they said, a lot of it is backlogged.


                            • #29
                              Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                              another thing thats come of recent for me is sparadic driver scores coming through

                              on sharqui i got 55 dka, of which about 20 showed in my stats, this was several days ago

                              last night i was flying on cleansweep in a bomber, my pilot got me about 20 more dka, of which none have shown up

                              and i'm missing a few golds and armour time aswell.

                              though i have hope, as i was away for the weekend and when i returned i had some missing golds / points / chinese army time (only need 57mins! :yay: ) so maybe in a few days time it'll come, its just the frustration is so damn annoying


                              • #30
                                Re: Stats Catch-Up Processing Complete

                                They haven't given me ANY backlogged stats, and my current/future ones aren't updating either. So basically my account hasn't changed in weeks.

                                Even Moongamers Karkand won't update.

