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Battlefield 40k Mod Update

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  • Battlefield 40k Mod Update

    There is a small update posted today over at the Battlefield 40k mod website. Here's what they had to say:
    Just a quick update to show the progress of the Tau. The first two images are the tau firewarrior. The Second is the Kroot Mercenary, the kroot class will replace the current firewarrior class with pulse carbine. Right now our artists are busy trying to finish all the infantry models off and their weaponry. Once cleared the vehicles will be next to be worked through.

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

    To learn more about this mod be sure to visit their website.

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 40k Mod Update

    Great player models! Very nice job. You might consider flipping the hands on the organic "Kroot?" model tho. The opposing thumb is on the wrong side to rig to the Dice Skeleton... Unless you are planning on redoing all 900+ weapon and upper body animations.


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 40k Mod Update

      It is nice you still working that hard.

      Lion, thank you for all this!


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 40k Mod Update

        Don't thank me, thank mefisto for those models

        We are waiting on finishing all the infantry weapons before we determine the best course of action on animations, which means the hands may have to change in design again.

        What we do have on our side is the fact that we have two professional animators.

