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Eve of Destruction Mod Update

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  • #16
    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

    Sign up link is down? Or is it just me? I wouldn't want to give me extra practice at the mod either! hehe


    • #17
      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

      You can use it for intel... I suppose.. You can do the same with the ARTY too, but its projectile moves faster than the Mortar. As for how it works.. It is not like 42.. where you have a spotter (Like what POE has done with their mod). It is a camera on projectile. You aim in the general direction and at an elevation that you think you need to hit your target. Then you fire a round and see where you end up. You then just adjust again and fire the next round.. Adjust, etc.

      Typically, it takes the average person 3 to 5 rounds to get on target. Somewhat realistic if you ask me.. Think of the VC or US soldiers walking in the mortar rounds to their targets.. hehe...


      • #18
        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

        Release it please im so sick of EA:laugh:


        • #19
          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

          That sounds like a great system, other mods should do theirs like that making the morters get used. I am foaming at the mouth waiting for release!


          • #20
            Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

            The code for the camera on projectile is being used by some other mods. When I first got this working within EoD. I was also working on some stuff for the 21cw mod and USI. USI uses this layout or setup on the MLR 270 and BM21 Multiple Rocket Vehicles.

            In addition to being the coder at EoD. I also play within the 21cw Tournament and am part of their mod team. They had a mortar model that they wanted to implement into their mod and their tournament play. I gave them my setup for the camera on projectile and coded it to their mortar.

            Since then, it has been used to great success within the tournament campaigns in BF2. We took it one step further within 21cw, by making the mortars portable. You can pickup the mortar kit and go anywhere on the map and deploy it. Then rain hell down on the enemy with devastating accuracy. It just takes a bit of getting used to how to aim to get the distance you want and like I mentioned above.. 2 or 3 rounds and you can be on target.

            We will have the same kind of pick-up kit layout for EoD on the mortars. They will be man portable, as well as, stationary. I just have to create the collapsed versions of the US and VC mortars and setup the pick-up kit and it will be ready to go.

            The player controlled arty is fun too.


            • #21
              Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

              How many rounds do you get with the mortar? Can it be resupplied by engineer?

              Looking forward to EOD2.


              • #22
                Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                Stationary Mortars have 40 rounds and can be resupplied. Man portable mortars will have 15 to 20 (have not decided yet) and will also be resupplyable.


                • #23
                  Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                  i am new here, so were can i download it from and when


                  • #24
                    Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                    well its not out yet but When it is just head over to


                    • #25
                      Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                      I do belive the link is fixed to sign up for the media build. Try it again and sign up soldiers!


                      • #26
                        Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                        man I cant wait to fly a Huey


                        • #27
                          Re: Eve of Destruction Mod Update

                          man I cant wait to fly a Huey

