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Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

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  • #16
    Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

    Your mods were always great and refreshing, sad news. Good luck


    • #17
      Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

      Originally posted by ulm4lyf
      It's not like people play mods anyway. I have Allied Intent 2, Desert Conflict CTF, Rising Conflicts, Nations at war, and Project Reality mods all installed. The only one with available servers to play on is Project Reality, and most of the servers for it are over 250 ping. There was only one server under 100 ping last night. When mods first come out people play them and there are upwards of 10 - 20 servers to play on. Most people that play mods aren't noobs though and since the majority of the BF2 community is obsessed about points and unlocks, these servers all die out. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Forgotten Hope 2, but it probably will. Hopefully it will have singleplayer ability.
      It's attitudes like that that make it all worthwhile

      If there was just a little more optimism surrounding the creation of mods perhaps people would feel a little more inspired to create them... But no, some people have nothing better to say than stuff like this. anyway.... [/rant]

      *holds silent vigil for surreal team

      You shall be missed guys!


      • #18
        Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

        No its not dead......As a member of the team ive had plans to make a new one.
        work on getting the go ahead from Cheese and Ill be looking for new members to join.........



        • #19
          Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

          Originally posted by jimbob
          It's attitudes like that that make it all worthwhile

          If there was just a little more optimism surrounding the creation of mods perhaps people would feel a little more inspired to create them... But no, some people have nothing better to say than stuff like this. anyway.... [/rant]

          *holds silent vigil for surreal team

          You shall be missed guys!
          plus, a good mod makes my hardware last longer!

          thanks to the modders for their effort and their products. surreal 2 (and team) will be missed; long live BF2:Pirates!; BF2:POE2; Battleracer2...etc.


          • #20
            Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

            I thought surreal was quite fun! great effort!

            its a shame that every server I played on, there was a few immature jerks that exploited and ruined the fun...

            hope you guys come back when things are settled and continue making these strange mods!


            • #21
              Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

              I will Help you for the survival of SURREAL 3, With my 3D experience and game coding maybe we will turn this mother out!


              • #22
                Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down



                • #23
                  Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

                  Many thanks guys for all the kind words, sadly I just havnt the time to devote to it anymore. Real World issues are a mess right now and I have to sort them and myself out. Once I'm sorted out I'll be around but just helping out other mods etc as a modeller or coder.

                  Surreal - Dawn Patrol - Anyone interested in taking over these can contact Myself or Elvis

                  Mod Content - I'm happy to allow other mods to use our content, you can use straight from the mods or contact us for max files etc. Subject to the usual restrictions of course.


                  • #24
                    Re: Dawn Patrol & Surreal Close Down

                    this is a bunch of hotdogs why did thay do this

