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Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

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  • #16
    Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

    I really like the premise of your mod guys and I am excited to see what you've done with it!

    Maps look really ambient - in that good post-apocalyptic depressing way :-) You've done wonders with the lighting it seems.

    Keep up the good work - I will be loking forward to downloading it when you are rady to share your work!

    Cheers :-)


    • #17
      Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

      I cant wait for this mod to come out.


      • #18
        Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

        So there will be a small release with weapons? Can we get some more information here? I can't wait to try everything out!


        • #19
          Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

          Originally posted by Casper
          So there will be a small release with weapons? Can we get some more information here? I can't wait to try everything out!
          We are trying to finish up the mini-mod "Weapons of the Apocalypse" as soon as we can so we can get it out to you guys. It will have all of the weapons for both factions that will be featured on the BF:A 0.1 release. What you won't get are any of the maps and probably no vehicles. We want to give you a "taste" of what you can expect from the full version of the mod. We still have 2 weapons of the 57 total that will be featured to get in game and we are in the process of tweaking the ammo load outs, damage settings, and other gameplay tweaks as well as working out some bugs. There will also be a pre-release trailer for mini-mod as well so keep your eyes out for that. Once you see that you'll know we are pretty close to a release of the mini-mod.

          As far as the title of the Ground Zero map goes. No respect is intended or should be implyed to the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in New York or anywhere else. I am American and I give you my heard that I would not do anything to demean what happened on that day. I chose the title based on the actual meaning of it which is to describe the optimal detonation height for a nuclear weapon to maximize it's damage. In truth, it is the media that starting labeling the WTC sight as Ground Zero...probably because they felt it appropriate for some reason or another. At any rate, if any guilt should be felt I personnally feel it is on the media for being insensitive to the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki....a true Ground Zero event. Of course, as someone stated's just a word.


          • #20
            Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

            Awesome guys! The floating map looks like it will rock!


            • #21
              Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

              Does your mod has any type of flying vehicles? Just wondering... it looks awesome... if not some type of Mad Max flying like planes would be great

              Lol the Gyrocopter...



              • #22
                Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

                Yes, we have a flying vehicles similar to the ones you've posted.


                • #23
                  Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

                  Originally posted by DoomSayer
                  Yes, we have a flying vehicles similar to the ones you've posted.
                  Wow..! you guys are on everything... ! Good luck with the mod guys :laugh:


                  • #24
                    Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

                    What I love about this mod is that the sides are completely unique. It's not one of those mods in which the Team A and Team B play pretty much the same apart from a few minor (mainly vehicle) code. At least that's what I'm guessing from the screens. Don't get me wrong though, I love POE and I expect the teams will get more individual as releases go by.


                    • #25
                      Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

                      Nice atmospheric screens!


                      • #26
                        Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

                        Originally posted by LOWriderNL
                        wtf yo.

                        Ground Zero? got some respect to the dead people and don't put stuff like that in a game.

                        Ground Zero doesnt neccesarily mean what you think it means. Ground Zero is also the epicenter of a nuclear blast, and well this being Battlefield Apocalypse, it makes total sense being how the mod is set after a nuclear fallout. So easy there chief.....but thanks for the dilligence.

                        Originally posted by boots555
                        Very nice update, and you Americans are really sensitive people. Someone just says a word and you all trip out!
                        The guy that made the comment was from Holland, so please, us Americans arent anything, besides normal people, just like all of you.....


                        • #27
                          Re: Battlefield Apocalypse Mod Update

                          hehe yup some americans are kinda crazy but every country has crazy people like that like crazy germans crazy spanish crazy portuguese (loads of those here) and so on, its just that those crazy people should think before they post and like he said he was from holland.

                          duuuuh with so much talk about that i forgot about the mod, i think the mod is looking better each update they show, love the appocalypse ambience

