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PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

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  • PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

    The Project Reality mod team is proud to announce the release of the PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch. They have added many new maps as well as made some changes. Take a look:
    It's been a long while since we've done a PRMM release and the v0.32 Map Pack Patch is finally here!

    There are 4 new custom maps in this update:
    EJOD Desert by [R-DEV]Thomazz
    - USMC vs MEC in a battle over a city in the desert

    Mao Valley by [R-CON]xtrm2k
    - USMC vs PLA infantry combat in a jungle setting

    Hongshangu Winter by GA-KnomboeBoy
    - USMC vs PLA infantry combat in a snowy valley

    Goods Station by [R-CON]spfreak
    - USMC vs MEC infantry combat in a tight industrial setting

    This update also includes Project Reality support for Road to Jalalabad. In addition Songhua Stalemate makes a return after some Reality tweaks have been applied.

    CP Abadan and Muttrah City maps have been updated with some minor tweaks and some fixes to address a couple of glitches.

    While there are no new features in ths update, some minor bug fixes are included:
    - fixed supply drop height; supply drops should now arrive closer to where you requested them and should take about 90 seconds to descend
    - altered BF2 1.4 "no vehicles" mode so that all vehicles EXCEPT Jeeps and Transport helos are ommitted. This can be changed by editing the /mods/pr/gamelogicinit.con file
    - changed round start delays to 90 seconds for all game modes
    - removed Operation Nightshift due to unresolvable CTD issues
    - added back in a default map rotation list that includes game mode switching and the new v0.32 maps
    - worked around a BF2 server crash bug. PRMM servers should crash significantly less frequently now
    - fixed the issue where single player conquest was not working properly

    We hope you enjoy these new maps while the team works on v0.4. As always, thanks for your continued support of Project Reality!

    <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" /></a>

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  • #2
    Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

    Two things:

    -Why isn't this on the front page?
    -Why can't we download the full client from somewhere like Filefront?


    • #3
      Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

      Front page updates every 15 or 45 on the hour. Or I can activate it from the Admin CP. I'll do that now.


      • #4
        Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

        Thanks for posting Ace!


        • #5
          Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

          No Problem


          • #6
            Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

            Well, sad to see no Filefront (yet). At any rate, YAY!


            • #7
              Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

              Hey Folks- this update is the pimp shiz! - I have just got off the gloryhoundz server and the gameplay was red hot. Go try it!!


              • #8
                Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

                Seriously rocked


                • #9
                  Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

                  I play almost every day, head over to the :IGI: , or GloryHoundz servers. Remember to join a squad, this isn't your everyday bf2 mod.


                  • #10
                    Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

                    Have to be in a squad, otherwise it gets pretty hard


                    • #11
                      Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released



                      • #12
                        Re: PRMM v0.32 Map Pack Patch Released

                        That map looks friggin awesome guys. My hat comes off and I do a little dance of joy.

