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Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

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  • #31
    Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

    That interior's gonna cause some crazy lag. I think if it runs like SF alot of people are going to be unhappy, other than that those things look really good.


    • #32
      Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

      Originally posted by =DNC=SySeX73
      Tetris is an old game, should I not play it anymore because of that fact?

      The Beatles arent considered hip by the young people in the world, who have no real taste in music anyways, should I no longer listen to them?

      I dont understand these thoughts that people have. I think your missing the whole point of the MOD community, and thats a shame. Play games that you enjoy playing, nevermind what the uninformed crowd is doing. Do you date women because your friend thinks shes hot, or do youmake that call on your own.

      If your too young to date women, I apologize. It will make sense one day though, trust me.

      Cant say it much better than that, lol.

      BTW, Those friggin pictures look too good, I cant handle it. Its like dating a supermodel, it just doesnt seem right for a guy like me, lol.

      I will still sleep with FH2, and pretend I am worthy of her.


      • #33
        Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

        Looking good.


        • #34
          Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

          Originally posted by Mekstizzle
          That interior's gonna cause some crazy lag. I think if it runs like SF alot of people are going to be unhappy, other than that those things look really good.
          I highly doubt there will be any lagg at all. Those lights are not made using dynamic lights, their burned into the static objects lightmaps; they won't be causing any issues with lag, totaly different method than the Special Forces pack. Plus SF had tons of high poly statics crammed into small tight areas, no way FH will lagg like SF, thats a guarantee


          • #35
            Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

            Originally posted by Mekstizzle
            That interior's gonna cause some crazy lag. I think if it runs like SF alot of people are going to be unhappy, other than that those things look really good.
            POE has loads of enterable buildings and it doesn't lag SF is just very poorly done.


            • #36
              Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

              Originally posted by =DNC=SySeX73
              Tetris is an old game, should I not play it anymore because of that fact?
              We're talking of a MOD. Tetris is an original game that has no mods and/or expansions.

              The Beatles arent considered hip by the young people in the world, who have no real taste in music anyways, should I no longer listen to them?
              You can compare the Beatles to World of Warcraft, in terms of fame and glory (and daily-money-production). Well, actually WoW is even more famous, I guess. BF2 is not THAT popular, nor is any of its expansions

              I dont understand these thoughts that people have. I think your missing the whole point of the MOD community, and thats a shame. Play games that you enjoy playing, nevermind what the uninformed crowd is doing
              You know, playing a MOD alone can be fun, but I'd like to play with more players. I'm not the player who sticks to the same 10 servers with the same 5 maps over and over, just because nobody is hosting FH(2). I launch the game, I want to choose a map, I want to play. FH2 will be never ready for the masses just because at the time it will come out it will be old as PacMan. Ok, you're going to tell us you play pacman everyday

              Do you date women because your friend thinks shes hot, or do youmake that call on your own
              Women exist, I can choose, I have quite a lot of choice when moving in female territories. The exact opposite of FH . Do you really think people will clean the dust from the Battlefield2 box just to play FH2? Come on, it will be a piece of history. We still have to fight with EA's patches and bugs, I do not think players will say 2oooh the FH2 mod, yeah let me find those bf2 disks and play a little" when other games will be around (EnemyTerritory above all).

              If your too young to date women, I apologize. It will make sense one day though, trust me.
              No problem man, I'm married with children so your nerd-sarcasm does not apply to me

              Originally posted by HaVOCK-ElEEt
              BTW, Those friggin pictures look too good, I cant handle it. Its like dating a supermodel, it just doesnt seem right for a guy like me, lol.
              I love the models and the textures too, very detailed (compared to the original BF2 things too). But there's something in the lights... and I see no shadows, making things "float" away


              • #37
                Re: Forgotten Hope 2 Mod Update

                Congrats on making the FH Mod team Digital Assassin. I look forward to playing FH2.

