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Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

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  • #31
    Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

    Originally posted by Floofyk!ns
    this mod looks purely AWSOME, im downloading it now.

    but what is vanilla??

    Vanilla is Bf2 with no mods just basic bf2.


    • #32
      Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

      jeez thats a big download but atleast i can get it in chunks


      • #33
        Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

        Originally posted by NoFear|Evan
        LOL look at all these people coming out of the wood work "I love NAW". Were you paid?

        who is worse? the people "coming out of the woodwork" to praise a community based project done entirely in peoples' spare time or the person "coming out of the woodwork" just to put a negative spin on others' hard work?

        if only they were paid. Its the supporters who give reward to the people doing the hard work. Have some respect. :thatsbad:


        • #34
          Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

          Originally posted by jimbob
          who is worse? the people "coming out of the woodwork" to praise a community based project done entirely in peoples' spare time or the person "coming out of the woodwork" just to put a negative spin on others' hard work?

          if only they were paid. Its the supporters who give reward to the people doing the hard work. Have some respect. :thatsbad:

          Well said...and another :thatsbad: for that miserable guy.


          • #35
            Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

            ok wtf i dled the total bf2 client patch and all i got was the 3.9.6 changelist. I have 3.9 w/ the map pack 3 but it did not update when i dled it. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Spawndemon please help me


            • #36
              Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

              Its cool, but its no POE.


              • #37
                Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                Originally posted by Snipes3
                ok wtf i dled the total bf2 client patch and all i got was the 3.9.6 changelist. I have 3.9 w/ the map pack 3 but it did not update when i dled it. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Spawndemon please help me
                you download the .exe and run it.

                it patches your naw directory and leaves a shortcut on your desktop to the readme.

                Originally posted by Dronetek
                Its cool, but its no POE.
                thanks, and as for the poe remark - we have 5 self-taught devs - they have SOOOOO many more, which may have something to do with it.


                • #38
                  Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                  ok yah i went here and hit the dl thing after waiting. i hit open and it takes about 10 minutes is that right? Next i hit run when the new thing pops up. When the nations at war thing pops up i hit next, agree, then have the folder be named Nations At War MOD\v3.9.6 Patch. I hit next a few more times then it says succesfull install but the only thing nex is a 3.9.6 changelog and the 3.9 version i have installed did not change. Please help i am not good w/ computers so be specific


                  • #39
                    Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                    10 minutes is long, but never mind.

                    sounds like it's all good.

                    i did not change the mod version in the desc, it just patches 4 files.


                    • #40
                      Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                      So How Do You Play The Dang Thing Cause When I Click The Destop Shortcut It Is Still 3.9 And Under Comunity It Is Version 3.9.6 Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      • #41
                        Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                        actually this thing is horrible. after downloading the latest and all the map packs. out of all the servers out there for this mod there is only like 8
                        i am in the US and all the servers but 1 are over seas. the only server that has any people on it is passworded.

                        this is horrible

                        i can not ever play any of them. when i try to join any server that is NOT passworded just to see what it was about the crap always CTD's before you can eve hit join game. i tried bf2 vanilla and its fine, this thing is crap do not even waste your time to download


                        • #42
                          Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                          Originally posted by Big_B
                          actually this thing is horrible. after downloading the latest and all the map packs. out of all the servers out there for this mod there is only like 8
                          i am in the US and all the servers but 1 are over seas. the only server that has any people on it is passworded.

                          this is horrible

                          i can not ever play any of them. when i try to join any server that is NOT passworded just to see what it was about the crap always CTD's before you can eve hit join game. i tried bf2 vanilla and its fine, this thing is crap do not even waste your time to download
                          It would have been nice of you to go to the nations at war forums and discuss this before you came out with such a statement....If the mod was crap we wouldnt have had so many people playing it in the past.It works on most people's computers and if it doesn't for any reason we help them to sort it out.Make sure that your settings are on medium and if you still have a problem join the nations at war forum and im sure someone there will help you.

                          Originally posted by Snipes3
                          So How Do You Play The Dang Thing Cause When I Click The Destop Shortcut It Is Still 3.9 And Under Comunity It Is Version 3.9.6 Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Snipes m8....make a new post on the nations at war forum and someone will help you further if you are having problems.


                          • #43
                            Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                            Ok been to your forums. for all the CTD's no one has a real fix. tons of people i read from there still have problems and nothing has been addressed. all i see is run everything on crap detail. I have a monstor machine and just for your game i have to run it 400x600 windowed per your suggestions. i do not think so. 4 maps cause crashing if not more. then they want people to download map packs again etc. what a waste of time and downloads and even trying anymore. once again DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS. this has more bugs than BF2 Vanilla

                            i say to all stick with POE 2

                            lastly all do not even waste your time creating an account over there just read their trouble shooting section. The hoops you have to jump through to even try to get it to work are not even true fixes just reaching for straws.

                            screen shots look cool but that's it .. nice backgrounds for PC but can't play the darn game


                            • #44
                              Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                              Originally posted by Big_B
                              Ok been to your forums. for all the CTD's no one has a real fix. tons of people i read from there still have problems and nothing has been addressed. all i see is run everything on crap detail. I have a monstor machine and just for your game i have to run it 400x600 windowed per your suggestions. i do not think so. 4 maps cause crashing if not more. then they want people to download map packs again etc. what a waste of time and downloads and even trying anymore. once again DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS. this has more bugs than BF2 Vanilla

                              i say to all stick with POE 2

                              lastly all do not even waste your time creating an account over there just read their trouble shooting section. The hoops you have to jump through to even try to get it to work are not even true fixes just reaching for straws.

                              screen shots look cool but that's it .. nice backgrounds for PC but can't play the darn game
                              What maps?

                              I have a pretty bad machine, but it runs fine on it. There are fixes for 2 maps. And on a few other maps, like Gazala, you need settings on medium.


                              • #45
                                Re: Nations At War v3.9.6 Released

                                Originally posted by GuitarFreak2
                                What maps?

                                I have a pretty bad machine, but it runs fine on it. There are fixes for 2 maps. And on a few other maps, like Gazala, you need settings on medium.
                                ok your reply was useless. you say what maps runs fine on your machine. then you finish with 2 map fixes and a FEW others. ok maybe you should not have replied

                                i dont need to run BF2 on medium i have it cranked up all the way same with POE2 cause my machine can handle it fine. if i can not for NAW then throw it away

