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Surreal II Mod Update

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  • Surreal II Mod Update

    The team behind the Surreal II mod have released a new update today discussing certain topics pertaining to their recent release. Take a look:
    Well first up I think the release has gone well and most people have enjoyed it judging by the majority of the comments. I'm really pleased to see that most of you with negative views were honest and constructive and we will be taking those views into account. We are planning a small update once the bf2 1.4 patch (final) is available and will take the opportunity to make various tweaks etc at the same time. Please use the specially created section on our forums to report bugs and give us suggestions or other comments. So we move on with some good and bad news

    Good News - Some new content planned
    Weapons (loads of em).
    Planes (Bombers and more Fighters).
    Tanks - Heavy Battle Tanks
    Alien Artefacts - Rhino APC, Dragonfly Fighter, Bug Light Recon.
    Boats - Patrol Boats for the Military and Speedboats for Racing
    Trains - we will be experimenting with these inside the bf2 game.

    Rally Racing (Curtisy of Mach 10)
    This is a lot of fun and could be a lot more fun, once we get people used to it and maps are set up better. We will continue to develop this game mode and will be giving you the chance to race planes, speedboats and cars. Thankfully once the 1.4 Patch is out it will allow mixed modes on servers (Which I believe is what is holding custom game modes back). Read more...

    Sad to hear about some of the new features going but glad to see all the new content being added. To learn more or if you can help out as a mapper, visit their site.

  • #2
    Re: Surreal II Mod Update

    Awesome to hear from them.


    • #3
      Re: Surreal II Mod Update

      Great job mod team, it is good to hear...but...

      Without a proper mapping team the future of the mod is in jepordy. As a tiny mod team (6) we don't need a dozen mappers but we do need at least one (preferably 2) fully fledged experienced mapper capable of inventing ideas and maps that would suit the mod.
      I would hate to see this mod go down because of this. Lets try to get the word out and find Surreal some good mappers.


      • #4
        Re: Surreal II Mod Update

        Im getting this right now, will play tonight if theres and American server. Can I play Single player??

        I'd love to help you guys out but I dont have any spare time, especially since my kids will be back in school in a few weeks. Good luck though, would suck to see this one go down.


        • #5
          Re: Surreal II Mod Update

          Originally posted by CensoredByGod
          Im getting this right now, will play tonight if theres and American server. Can I play Single player??

          I'd love to help you guys out but I dont have any spare time, especially since my kids will be back in school in a few weeks. Good luck though, would suck to see this one go down.
          sorry no single player atm, i can do Ai , but our probem on Ai is adding the COL 3 needed to get bots using the objects, however we are ironing this out but with only 4 hands its very hard,. we have many unfinshed maps, i see you dont have much time pehaps u mite be keen to look at adding staics to one of these maps if time is a factor.

          both types of map makers are really needed CTf/ conquest and rally racing, we do have a few other game modes from the GURU mach 10 that can be used aswell,

          with cool cars and crazy alien craft and way out vehicles what more do u need( we even have some sexy women around well cut outs) lol.

          we added a tips guide at surreal main site to get u started aswell.


          • #6
            Re: Surreal II Mod Update

            No more surreal soccer? :'[
            I know it worked like crap online, but vehicless + sports is always awesome. Alas, BF2 engine is for crappy modding. I hope they can come up with another type of sport + vehicles.

            I think a gamemode where each team has one vehicle capable of scoring by entering a certain area. Something like escort, but everyone has vehicles and the map resembles more or less an open field.

            Also, after playing the flopped version of surreal soccer, I've figured that this mod REALLY needs a destruction derby type map or two.

