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Project Reality Mod Update

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  • Project Reality Mod Update

    There is a new update posted today over at the Project Reality mod website. They have some info on their latest release and the upcoming BF2 patch. Have a look:
    Electronic Arts will be releasing v1.3 of Battlefield 2 sometime in the near future. As with all patches to the base BF2 game, mod teams have to make sure their mods are compatible with the patch and possibly release an update to their mods to fix any compatability issues.

    In the event BF2 v1.3 is incompatible with Project Reality Mini Mod v0.3, we hope to be able to release a small patch shortly after the BF2 v1.3 patch. If there are no severe incompatabilities, we'll announce that as soon as we've had time to verify.

    If you can't live without Project Reality for a few days, we strongly recommend that you do not install BF2 v1.3 until the Project Reality Team posts an "official" notification about compatability.

    We'll do our best to post a BF2 v1.3 update in a timely manner and, if necessary, get a patch out as quick as we can.

    Glad to hear a PRMM patch will be released shortly after the BF2 patch. Drop by their site for more.

  • #2
    Re: Project Reality Mod Update

    Ha! Nice timing.

