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Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

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  • Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

    The guys over at Tactical Gamer have released the latest version of their Tactical mod today (v1.1). This new release brings about changes as well as new effects. Here's what they had to say:
    We have decided not to wait on the BF2 1.3 patch any longer. Release v1.1 has been ready for some time now and we want to get the changes out to the community. (note: we will most likely have to provide an update with the BF2 1.3 patch.)

    -Increased AT missile speed
    -Increased jet cannon damage
    -Decreased pistol accuracy and ammunition
    -Decreased maximum zip line length
    -Improved blood effect
    -Increased starting tickets on all maps
    -Added new visual and sound effects

    Complete change log

    Download Here!

    We also want to share just a few images of the enhanced effects we've added. Special thanks to Djukel of the Enhanced Effects mini-mod who has allowed us to incorporate his mod into the Tactical Mod.

    <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_Effects1.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_Effects2.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_Effects3.jpg"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_Effects4.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_Effects5.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_Effects6.jpg"></a>

    Nice to see yet another mod release this week. Be sure to visit this thread to learn more. Also be sure to visit here to learn more about the Tactical Mod Night event.

  • #2
    Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

    There's no servers running it righ now but single player works. <del> Looks like everyone has a grappling hook. Isn't that from Special Forces? Will people without SF still have the hook? I didn't think that was allowed *shrug*</del> EDIT: Doh! Sorry, long weekend. I didn't realize there were two versions. Since I wasn't playing on special forces maps. =P

    Pretty fun, but anti-air is useless on tanks which is fun to do =P after like 8 direct hits I gave up. I like the new sound effects when bullets and artillary fly by your head.

    Oh yeah, and it looks pretty cool when youve got a graveyard of burning vehicles blocking the entrance to a location heh

    Food for thought; my mod folder now weighs in at 5.89gb.


    • #3
      Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

      My mod folder weighs in at 7.51 gigs.


      • #4
        Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

        very nice


        • #5
          Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

          Why don't you guys come check it out tonight around 8PM eastern? That's when Tacmod ususally starts on TG's server. I guarantee you'll have a blast.


          • #6
            Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

            Awesome - seeing as PRMM is pretty poor this might be worth a look
            good work guys


            • #7
              Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

              Pretty good mod, but the sounds are a turn-off. The Abrams Coax sounds nothing like the 7.62mm Coaxial Machinegun an Abrams has. Tanks main guns sound like Howitzers or something.....the TOW travel sound is odd....meh..etc...theres others but after that the rest are vanilla.

              Effects are cool, my sounds werent all that high at the tie so I didnt expirience the bullet 'wizz' sounds. Balistics, coding, etc are better compared to Vanilla, etc. Keep up the good work.


              • #8
                Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

                Originally posted by $kelet0r
                Awesome - seeing as PRMM is pretty poor this might be worth a look
                good work guys
                Quit bashing PRMM all over the forums :hmm:

                Anyway might try this out later tomorow


                • #9
                  Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

                  Originally posted by $kelet0r
                  Awesome - seeing as PRMM is pretty poor this might be worth a look
                  good work guys
                  No offence to the mod, but PRMM includes most, nearly all of whats already in it, as well as ALOT more. I know that TacMod is in its earlier stages. I am jsut tired of this guy complaining about PRMM, when the only point he has made is that he dies alot.


                  • #10
                    Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

                    yeah but prmm is 0.3 this is Tatcical mod is 1.1. gonna maybe try it out 2marra though, i like trying em out


                    • #11
                      Re: Tactical Mod v1.1 Released

                      Originally posted by solodude23
                      No offence to the mod, but PRMM includes most, nearly all of whats already in it, as well as ALOT more.
                      Yes... PRMM has taken some features directly from the tac mod. Both are great mods.

