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Shattered Faith Mod Update

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  • Shattered Faith Mod Update

    After not releasing much for awhile, the team behind the Shattered Faith mod are back today with a new update. This news also brings us a new video to check out. Here's what they had to say:
    The site is back at last. Unfortunately, the transfer over to a new server didnt go as smoothly as I had planned. That was entirely my fault, and for that I apologize to our community. I feel we owe an explanation as to our relative quietness over the past month or two in addition to what scott said in our last news post, so here it goes.

    Things have been hectic for a majority of our team as of late. Between new full time jobs, marriages, other projects, and college work...many of us arent left with as much time as we hoped we would when we started such an ambitious project. As such, things have been a bit slow for Shattered Faith as of late. Alot of us have been so wrapped up in real life that our time has been extremely limited. Fear not, though. This doesnt mean that we're closing down shop. Things may stay slow around here for a while longer, but it hasnt died out.

    To start off on the good news, V has at last released his amazing diploma work in the form of the fully completed Stinger and Assail Grunt, both classes of the invader team. In this video, you'll see both fully animated with sounds, and I guarantee you wont be disappointed. I'm still wow'ed every time I see the grunt.

    Download Here!

    I'd like to take the time to shamelessly plug NoiseKraft and the Sonic Valley team, the astounding sound team that put together the music and effects for V's tech demo. Amazing work. Be sure to check out their site at .

    To finish it up, we're on the recruiting hunt again. We're currently looking for able-bodied artists, coders, and mappers to join us in our first release goal. If you're interested in any of these positions, please register on our forums and head over to the "Join the Team!" forum and make a post.

    Very impressive showing today from these guys. Be sure to visit their site to learn more.

  • #2
    Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

    A mod with no screenies what so ever? hmmmm, i would download this if i knew what it looked like.

    EDIT: wait...this isnt the actual mod lol opps.



    • #3
      Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

      That minion looks like it could kick some serious ass


      • #4
        Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

        Wow, amazing artwork. Sounds really good too. :-]


        • #5
          Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

          wtf! This thing will take forever to release..

          Impressive work there tho...


          • #6
            Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

            Ok , ya, amazing. but after reading why they havent been around, do you think this is ever going to be released??????? whoa did they ever set their sights high!
            Good luck and god speed boys! That minion thing will give me nightmares


            • #7
              Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

              Looks awsome and sorry to hear that production is grinding down on this mod, as it was one of the tops on my list I was looking foward to, but real life can be so much more important.


              • #8
                Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                Uh-oh. Well sweet stuff anyways.


                • #9
                  Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                  sweet, cant wait to try it out


                  • #10
                    Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                    It looks awesome, but they really dont seem to have anything ingame yet, so I doubt this will be released. They Seem to have set their sights too high.

                    I hope I am proved wrong though, it looks like it could be awesome. Maybe 2142, with its slightly modified BF2 engine would be a better aim for them, at least time-scale wise if not technology wise.


                    • #11
                      Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                      bit i didnt get is why they packed both the low and hi versions of the moive into 1 zip, then send it out as a public download like that :roll:


                      • #12
                        Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                        Originally posted by Rhino
                        bit i didnt get is why they packed both the low and hi versions of the moive into 1 zip, then send it out as a public download like that :roll:
                        Ya It's kinda silly, I sent SF a rar file with both Hi and low res versions so they could offer them on their site as seperate downloads but they just linked to the combined rar. Too late now I spose, sorry fellas.


                        • #13
                          Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                          I've been waiting for this mod just as expectantly as I am for POE2, I can say that in no way will anyone be really dissapointed with the overall mod once it's complete.

                          I'll be crossing my fingers but not keeping my hopes up for a 2006 release...hell, even a mini-mod would entice us a little more..

                          Can't wait.



                          • #14
                            Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                            Well this thing is on its own plane, not a regular MOD by any means. It will be cool to try something so ambitous and new.


                            • #15
                              Re: Shattered Faith Mod Update

                              Actually a 2006 release is a possibility. Well a mini-release anyway. Basically the team is uncertain of continuing with the BF2 engine and so, have plans to release a single map version to find out how popular it is and whether BF2 is viable for their vision. They've said that this will be an Epoch 1 Kansas map, set at night, the Humans will have a few vehicles and the Invaders, none (though that's the plan for the whole of Epoch 1). Doing this will allow them to focus on a very specific goal.

                              Hope this helps!

