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Surreal Mod Update

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  • Surreal Mod Update

    The team over at the <a href="">Surreal Mod</a> have posted an update, showcasing one of the vehicles that will be in their modifications.
    This brand new Digger will be found in farm yards and construction
    sites. There are no weapons, but it can ram other vehicles to inflict heavy damage while retaining it's health. The boom does lift, but sadly it does not have the ability to safely lift vehicles, just flip iteself over.

    <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_civ_digger_01.jpg"></a> <a href=""><img src="/images/news/thumb_civ_digger_02.jpg"></a>
    Finally we got all the statics back into mod and all were tested online and offline. Many thanks once again to Supertech from "Ducommun Designs" servers. We are Full Steam ahead now. 90% of our next "Heartland" release is now complete, so that will give you an idea of how soon it will be released.

    I have also added Surreal to various topsites, so don't forget to stop by the website and check out the topsites and vote for Surreal.

    Looking great, guys. Keep up the good work on this very anticipated modification.

  • #2
    Re: Surreal Mod Update

    hehehe nice one , cant wait to drive that thing around, and from what they are saying it should not take long.


    • #3
      Re: Surreal Mod Update

      By "flip itself over" does this mean that if it has been turned upside down it can get itself rightside up? Because that'd just be cool.


      • #4
        Re: Surreal Mod Update

        oooh.. ahh?.. so its?.. soon done?.. Whee!! Can't wait till this package 'o fun gets out

        by the way, if this is on construction sites, some sort of saw or grinding tool must be there too right? If it is there, then im sure everybody wants those boomlift arms grinded a bit, then its easier and cooler to spike the enemy (drools.. I love blood :evil: )


        • #5
          Re: Surreal Mod Update

          maybe its just me, but i really dont like the lime green. :hmm:
          BUT this mod does look awesome and i look forward to playing it


          • #6
            Re: Surreal Mod Update

            God this looks like this mod is going to kick serious a$$!


            • #7
              Re: Surreal Mod Update

              That thing looks like 2 tons of fun. I cant wait tho play this MOD.


              • #8
                Re: Surreal Mod Update

                If its a lift truck... why is it called a Digger?

                looks cool though


                • #9
                  Re: Surreal Mod Update

                  I'm damn excited. Flying the aircrafts from one of their alphas was just grand! So many mods to be excited about, so little time.



                  • #10
                    Re: Surreal Mod Update

                    It is called a digger because there are different variants, and plus CheeseOnToast is from Scotland so he is kinda different.


                    • #11
                      Re: Surreal Mod Update

                      Now your in big trouble, Elvis. You should never ever say that a Scotsman is from England.

                      We have three variants of the above. Originaly the civilian one had a digger bucket on front but we chaged it to forks trying to be able to lift others stuff. Sadly I couldnt get it to work. The Digger just tips over instead of lifting. The other two, one has the boom removed and a big ass artillery cannon fitted and the other has a tank cannon.


                      • #12
                        Re: Surreal Mod Update

                        Ho sweetness!

