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Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

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  • #91
    Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

    Originally posted by Red Devil
    I think this is the major reason behind the sqad jumping adjustment.

    If you coordinate it well and have just one guy over on the island at Karkand and:

    1. He creates a squad
    2. He invites 5 dead guys to his squad
    3. The 5 dead guys immediately spawn on him, then leave the squad
    4. They create 5 more squads
    5. You now have 6 mobile spawn points in a matter of seconds.
    6. Those 6 squads now get a few more joiners and, voila, you have an army growing in your rear.
    This IS a problem. However, they should come up with a more creative alternative to solve it than what they came up with!! Why not make it so you cannot CREATE a squad for about 2 minutes upon joining one. Make it free to join, but NOT FREE to CREATE!!

    I really hope this doesn't kill Teamplay!


    • #92
      Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

      Project Reality has a system where if you die and swap to another squad, your spawn time is increased considerably. I believe this would be a far better method than just not being able to swap. It stops "spawn-spam" while still retaining the ability to swap squads to be with a friend, or any other reason.


      • #93
        Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

        no, its not, it can increase your spawn time, and spawn times are already 30 seconds


        • #94
          Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

          Originally posted by (4THIDUSA) SSG H.
          no, its not, it can increase your spawn time, and spawn times are already 30 seconds
          Depending on the server, yes. It increases it by 30 seconds, not a huge amount when you see its 30~ seconds average on most servers. Its a penalty for squad hopping.


          • #95
            Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

            I dont see how people think this is going to be a bad idea. You can still spawn on your squad leader as many times as you want, it's just before you can do that you have to spawn on a base. This makes perfect sense, yeah sure it will change the gameplay, but in the long run it will make it a lot better. This game is made for teamplay, and this kind of forces those who are in squads to play as a team. You can still play as lone wolf if you don't want to play as a team...but if you want to win squads are the best way, especially with this new patch coming out.


            • #96
              Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

              Originally posted by cerberus
              ...this kind of forces those who are in squads to play as a team.
              this is the exact reason i'm not too fond of the change. you cant force people to do anything, and imo it will not force people to work any better than they do now.


              • #97
                Re: Community Update from EAUK (Squad Hopping)

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