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Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

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  • Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

    The Battlefield 2 website recently posted a small update regarding community support, here's the scoop:
    Attention Soldiers!

    We are excited to introduce Colin Clarke as the new DICE Community Manager. Colin is a long term veteran of the Battlefield franchise with extensive experience with both client and server aspects of the game. With this appointment we will be increasing our support of player communities, mod communities and also player events! We are also excited to note that this change will also enable our own AJ Marini to focus his comprehensive skills entirely on further enhancements to the Battlefield experience! Keep your eyes on this space for more information!

    Until next time, Cheers from the Battlefield team!

    Looks like we can look forward to some better support which we've been neglected these past few months. Check out the article here.

  • #2
    Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

    umm, ok, when's the next patch coming out lol.


    • #3
      Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

      Welcome Mr CKMC!

      Player events?! Sounds cool!


      • #4
        Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

        I remain skeptical...


        • #5
          Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

          congrats to colin, but its probably gonna take more than 1 or 2 people to support a game played by as many as bf2 has playing. i'll believe it when i see it.


          • #6
            Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

            Well I hope he knows that this game has gotten worse with the patching, for bugs that is. Still a great game, but if they want to hold on to a huge and great community they better start getting things straightened out. And hey how bout a nice freebee new map or something for the 1 year anniversary of this great game?????

            member what you did for BF42?


            • #7
              Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

              "focus his comprehensive skills entirely on further enhancements to the Battlefield experience"

              Means "so we can churn out more dull and unimaginative mods that we'll charge you for"


              • #8
                Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

                We've had community managers before.

                We'll see what happens.


                • #9
                  Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

                  "focus his comprehensive skills entirely on further enhancements to the Battlefield experience"
                  Heres an enhancement... Stop the cheating!


                  • #10
                    Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

                    Yes must Kill MIST cheat ..... Maz, Sheep, you/we know who you are


                    • #11
                      Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

                      too little, too late DICE.. you've neglected your community too long.


                      • #12
                        Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

                        << Yawn! >>


                        • #13
                          Re: Battlefield 2 Community Update 4/7/06

                          Congratulations Colin. For your first assignment, please tell us why we still have the Red Player Bug? You want to provide support? Fix the worst bug to ever hit a BF game......

                          For you second assignment, think about what this thread is telling you. We are tired of Marketing hype. We already bought the game. We enjoy it. We just want it to work correctly and we want EA to stop trying to come up with new ways to milk us for more money.

