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Blatant hacking and...

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  • Blatant hacking and...

    little sh1t5 shooting you if you try to get hold of a vehicle, I mean what's the ****1ng point, there is a concept called SHARING.

    Permanent UAV's in the sky is starting to get somewhat p1ssing old too, I mean come on get a life rather than sitting behind your ****1ng PC screen trying to find hacks for games, you might wanna try going out getting laid once in a while.

    Also how is it I (and others) shoot someone at point blank range in the face, fill them with a magazine and they still don't die, but they kill you in 1 or 2 shots???

    I can already guess what responses I'll get to this thread, you're a n00b this, n00b that, well yeah I suppose I am a n00b since I haven't been playing for long, but for fucĀ¦< sake WHAT'S THAT POINT IN CHEATING YOU ARE SPOILING IT FOR OTHER PEOPLE TRYING TO HAVE FUN. AND JESUS H BL00DY CHRIST EA BAN HACKERS LIKE SOE (Sony Online Entertainment)DO, it can't be that hard for a huge gaming corporation to know when the game is being hacked!

    I mention SOE one more time, take a leaf from their book, and at least listen to people that play the game. I'm not saying change the rules cos' some still pr1ck got killed too many times in one game, I'm just saying listen when peeps say things are wrong.

    I understand that it takes time to fix stuff, but I also understand that you (EA) don't give a flying fuc|< as long as the cash is rolling in, why make a game if you're not prepared to support it???

    Kind Regards, with sincerity please take your head's outta your arses and allow the game to be what I can only imagine what you originally intended in the first place!


    Oh yeah also...

    If the Roman senate had the same oversight of the Battle Of Caniea as these ar53holes hacking this game Hannibal would have been sh4gged before Publiuus Africanus had had a chance to go to his party! Come on fellas what's the ****1ing point, we're sh4gged before we start?!!

    Your Sincerely,

    A ****ed off Carthergian!

    P.S. The whole Barca family are ****3d off, if we'd had this opportunity Carthage would never have fallen! Ave Imperator...Hail Caesar and all those that don't cheat, would have had the chance on the battlefield.

    We will sacrifice to the Gods that the powers that be will look upon us with fortune and hope and pray that you people have the balls to do something about these importunate toss pots!!


    Scipio Africanus, Alias Bhindi_Bhajji! And imagine me at this precise moment that I'm bending down so you can KISS MY ASS!!

  • #2
    Re: Blatant hacking and...

    Originally posted by bhindi_bhajji
    you might wanna try going out getting laid once in a while.
    Yeh it has been a while for me! not that all you need to know but hey

    PS I don't hack


    • #3
      Re: Blatant hacking and...

      yeah they hack all of them.
      I seen them do it..they have lasers.


      • #4
        Re: Blatant hacking and...

        I belive the term is Cracker not Hacker, why oh why do people constantly mix these two up.


        • #5
          Re: Blatant hacking and...

          Originally posted by Sir. Eden
          I belive the term is Cracker not Hacker, why oh why do people constantly mix these two up.
          Because the media is really, really dumb and has ruined the word 'hacker' forever


          • #6
            Re: Blatant hacking and...


            I think if u hit cntrl+666 it gives u a thermal nuke that you can use to kill the whole map. LOL.. I do understand your anger though but try to take a deep breath and just find another server.


            • #7
              Re: Blatant hacking and...

              i was victim to a cheater, he even resorted to childish taunts.....i left feeling satisfied i would pwn his b!tch a ss if he tried playing on the up 'n' up like most other ppl....

              he had a 1 shot kill to everyone, everytime, and when i had the drop on him, everytime, i would lag, and the lag would end after he kills me...


              • #8
                Re: Blatant hacking and...

                Originally posted by Sir. Jaxx

                I think if u hit cntrl+666 it gives u a thermal nuke that you can use to kill the whole map. LOL.. I do understand your anger though but try to take a deep breath and just find another server.
                lol, made me chuckle!!!! I tried switching servers, seems loads are like it recently!

                I had trouble every now and then before 1.22, but since then it's a lot more often, maybe EA made some big boo boos!!

                If I didn't consider it such a wrong thing to do, I resort to the good ol' phrase of 'If ya can't beat 'em join 'em!

                P.S. is Cntrl+666 worked I'd seriously consider it on every ****3d up game I played!!

                Cheers for the light hearted replies!!

                And good luck in your fight against the hackers (or cracker), blah blah woof woof!!


                • #9
                  Re: Blatant hacking and...

                  Originally posted by Sir. Eden
                  I belive the term is Cracker not Hacker, why oh why do people constantly mix these two up.
                  Actually it would be Script Kiddie.

                  Most game "hackers" use pre-written scripts to accomplish their cheating.


                  • #10
                    Re: Blatant hacking and...

                    I NEVER hack! Its stupid! Ruins everything!


                    • #11
                      Re: Blatant hacking and...

                      Originally posted by Sir. Jaxx

                      I think if u hit cntrl+666 it gives u a thermal nuke that you can use to kill the whole map. LOL.. I do understand your anger though but try to take a deep breath and just find another server.


                      • #12
                        Re: Blatant hacking and...

                        most hackers would tell you (i've heard this a few times, but i dont hack)

                        "I payed for the game, so i can do what i want on it!!!"

                        yeah, well, so did the rest of us buddy, and if you think you have the right to ruin the fun of 30 other people on a server when they payed the same ticket price you did, think again

                        lets see, you're $50 versus $50 x 30 ........ hmmmm..... i think our number is bigger, so you get the boot


                        • #13
                          Re: Blatant hacking and...

                          ive played 170 hours, and ive ran into a couple aimbots, couple rapid fire M95, and an extremely odd invisible attack helicopter that i shot down, and an extremely odd grenade hack....

                          but other than that, i think its clean. i think hacking is overblown and overhyped, hackers realize its easier to wait for the ABRAMS to appear in karkand.


                          • #14
                            Re: Blatant hacking and...

                            lmao, such a funny thread. DOES THAT CONTROL 666 THING WORK!!!111one!!!!11! lol.
                            Nice references to Rome BTW, I pride myself on know what you were talking about in all of them.


                            • #15
                              Re: Blatant hacking and...

                              Originally posted by IntensivCareBear
                              but other than that, i think its clean. i think hacking is overblown and overhyped, hackers realize its easier to wait for the ABRAMS to appear in karkand.

                              armor whoring > hacking

