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Since when does 2 tks and 2 teamdamage equal -28?

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  • Since when does 2 tks and 2 teamdamage equal -28?

    Played a round on Gulf of Oman flying the F-35B (I did manage to outturn 1 missile in total in that crappy plane though!) and got 2 tks and 2 teamdamage while flying. Seems like I can aim a mile away from my friendlies and still kill them, but I can place a bomb ontop of an enemy and they like to tell about it. I really hate the crappy hitdetection in this game.

    Well to the point. After I had been shot down I checked my score and noticed that I had -28 teamscore, which would be impossile since I hadn't gotten nearly that many teamdamage or kills. All the teamkills I got could not have made me get all those minus points. The maximum minus score I could have gotten would be -12 (-8 for 2 teamkills and -4 for 2 team damage).

    Another bug I suppose, very annoying one at that.

    Also the times I was shot down by another plane (the bomber in most cases) I could not see the plane in the rear view or the follow view, yet somehow the missiles got a lock and hit me. I saw the missile smoke do a nearly 90 degree turn to hit me as the shooter was aiming outside the lock cone of the aircraft (for the other pilot I would have to be near or outside the edge of the screen). Another proof that the F-35B is useless.

    I have no problem breaking a lock with any of the other planes unless it is an J-10 on my ass. Going high with low throttle turning hard have only worked ONCE for me, and that was probably because the pilot didn't care to follow me.

    Well enough with the whine for today...

  • #2
    Re: Since when does 2 tks and 2 teamdamage equal -28?

    this game along with a bunch of the people that play it have bunches of issues.... hit detection sucks, and you cant even run in a diagonal line.... you cant push the walk forward button and the strafe left or right button at the same time... that.... is crap.

    and tons of stupid jackasses that play this game too.... server admins as well... i got banned yesterday from a 24/7 wake server for "blowing up jets" isnt that what were supposed to do?..... blow up jets when an enemy is about to get to it or when its in the air?... ahah..... lame.


    • #3
      Re: Since when does 2 tks and 2 teamdamage equal -28?

      Goody, another "the JSF is useless." If you hate it, stop whining and don't fly. simple solution. As to the negative score, might have been red tag/blue tag, or you might just not have paid attention.


      • #4
        Re: Since when does 2 tks and 2 teamdamage equal -28?

        Report the server, the probably modified it. I have seen it being disabled (not FF, the points) in total, which isn't allowed.

