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TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

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  • TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

    Have you been bullied on the battlefield? Have you been consistently made fun of while trying to pwnzer some noobzs? Well this is a special treat given to you by our gang. We will be taking requests to get back at these assholes. You will be given the chance to have them suffer for the pain they gave you without any regret. All we ask? Tell your friends about us and the way we support our community. If you are one of ours, you will be treated as one.

    We do know privacy of identity might be a concern for a lot you. How you avoid this, you ask? Xfire - Nexar with details and a reason of why you wish so and so to be kidnapped, and I will write it up without any names involved. Trust is a must.

    We will promptly recover the ***-of-a-corpse and treat him to nice prison style shanking & raping. After, we will give you the screenshots of the individual on our favorite victim list, and/or being a ragdoll bitch in front of us in-game. We will also take a quote to give to him, to unlight the flame.

    Ex: Never mess with TOP again, bitch!

    So the invidual will quickly realize the mistakes he made in the past and will be scared because of it.

    How to request a kidnap:

    Title of thread - The name of the person you wish to have kidnapped (Must be his exact name for searching references)

    Inside of thread - Reason why you wish to have this person kidnapped.

    Until then,

    Nexar & TOP

  • #2
    Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard



    • #3
      Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

      and in case you are wondering all of our TOP members look like.....


      • #4
        Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

        Originally posted by Adrum:/
        Have you been bullied on the battlefield? Have you been consistently made fun of while trying to pwnzer some noobzs? Well this is a special treat given to you by our gang. We will be taking requests to get back at these assholes. You will be given the chance to have them suffer for the pain they gave you without any regret. All we ask? Tell your friends about us and the way we support our community. If you are one of ours, you will be treated as one.

        We do know privacy of identity might be a concern for a lot you. How you avoid this, you ask? Xfire - Nexar with details and a reason of why you wish so and so to be kidnapped, and I will write it up without any names involved. Trust is a must.

        We will promptly recover the ***-of-a-corpse and treat him to nice prison style shanking & raping. After, we will give you the screenshots of the individual on our favorite victim list, and/or being a ragdoll bitch in front of us in-game. We will also take a quote to give to him, to unlight the flame.

        Ex: Never mess with TOP again, bitch!

        So the invidual will quickly realize the mistakes he made in the past and will be scared because of it.

        How to request a kidnap:

        Title of thread - The name of the person you wish to have kidnapped (Must be his exact name for searching references)

        Inside of thread - Reason why you wish to have this person kidnapped.

        Until then,

        Nexar & TOP

        I would request you to attack myself just to see Nexar made into my ragdoll bitch

        user name: [UCB]Hu.Z_of_PLA


        • #5
          Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

          yes, we heard....pretty lame huh?

          disturbed little boys running around in a video game pretending to kidnap and "rape" other players.....

          i think this group of little boys need therapy and medication


          • #6
            Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

            there not serious are they? lol i can imagine setting up my clan..... LOL


            • #7
              Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

              Originally posted by AlphaCueUp
              yes, we heard....pretty lame huh?

              disturbed little boys running around in a video game pretending to kidnap and "rape" other players.....

              i think this group of little boys need therapy and medication
              Yo Mamma in a tub BIATCH !!!


              • #8
                Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

                :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


                • #9
                  Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

                  bullied? pathetic, ive played since BF1942 and all its great mods, and never seen **** like this..... little 11 year olds whining about being "bullied" and wanting gay virtual pretend pay back.... just sick

                  any little 11 year olds deserve to get swore at anyway, the online environment is friendly and experienced in most games ive played.

                  especially bfpirates, everybody had skill and was really into the pirate thing there, that was my all time best online experience.

                  in fact, the topic starter is so pathetic, how about we get his xfire and take turns beating the **** out of him, and knifing his corpse!


                  • #10
                    Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

                    you can't "rape" people in game if they are better than you.

                    and what if i request that you rape yourself

                    someone delete this trash please.


                    • #11
                      Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

                      Aw dammit not this crap again. Didn't this thread already get deleted once?


                      • #12
                        Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

                        Yo Mamma in a tub BIATCH !!!
                        Wow go get a life, man its a game, you don't kidnap people lol wow you needa pyciatrist (yeah bad spelling)


                        • #13
                          Re: TOP Kidnaps Ya Heard

                          Originally posted by Adrum:/
                          Yo Mamma in a tub BIATCH !!!
                          compelling arguement, only problem is, us grown ups dismiss such nonsense. nonsense-insults are not valid, and only exposes you for the childish, immature, angry little boy, or girl you are. if you are going to make your argument, please ensure it has some kind of relevent truth, not some obserd nonsense potty-joke

                          well, then again, i wouldnt expect anything intelligent from your type

