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Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

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  • Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

    lol "badthingshappen" what bad thing happened to your post??

  • #2
    Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

    Lol! No idea! The post should have said...

    I flew into a windmill on Operation Smokescreen last night - instead of blowing up though, I got caught on the blades and got spun round 3 or 4 times!! The plane eventually came unstuck but having lost it's momentum, it just plummeted into the ground. Anyone else seen this happen before?!?! Maybe it's a new idea for BF - Alton Towers style rides incorporated into the scenery. I think they should put a log flume in next. Or some waltzers.


    • #3
      Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

      rofl hahah no i havent seen that hahah but im going to give it a try now hehehe


      • #4
        Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

        I've clipped the edges of towers before and gotten spun around three or four times.. I've always been able to slam on my afterburners and pull out of it though.. it's wierd. I'd love to get a video of it some time


        • #5
          Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

          That's awesome. I've been smacked a couple of times in the chopper and sent spinning to the ground but never anything like that :yay:


          • #6
            Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

            The only thing I can think of when I see the windmills on Op.Sm.Sc. is standing in a Dutch field at around midnight in the worst rainstorm since Noah and the Ark, I've just listned to Jean-Micheal Jarre perform AERO, and being soaked to bone.


            • #7
              Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

              I'm sure it's very easily done - hell i've clipped trees and buildings on bombing runs especially on kubra, damn all the obstacles :P - and spun madly
              it's quite entertaining


              • #8
                Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

                hehe yea!

                Didn't know it was possibly to keep on going, but on Wake I was in the J-10 making a bombing pass, and came in too low. As I pulled up away, I noticed a tree and banked hard. I clipped the tree, and I actually spun 2 or 3 times, as I awaited a crash. But to my surprise, I recovered, went full AB, and kept chugging away! Whew!


                • #9
                  Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

                  My wing hit the fan pole, instead of blowing up it catapulted me with a fair bit of speed into a mad spin which i come out of over the axis airfield


                  • #10
                    Re: Operation Smoke Screen - Windmills

                    Originally posted by KHAN
                    My wing hit the fan pole, instead of blowing up it catapulted me with a fair bit of speed into a mad spin which i come out of over the axis airfield
                    I hit one too, I was going full speed and it sent me into a weird spin and I ended up becoming "one" with the side of the building...LOL!

