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Ram question please help

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  • Ram question please help

    Guys i have just ordered some Munchkin 2* 1gb strips Blue Ram

    I have a Asus K8N SLI mother board which once the new ram goes on will leave me another 2 blank holes for Ram to go onto .

    My question is can i use my old Ram 2*512 strips of something cheap which is DDR as well in the other 2 strips to make 3gb or will i cause conflicts ?

    PLease help

    Love you all forever and will buy you all a beer ???

  • #2
    Re: Ram question please help

    Originally posted by Bald-Eagle11
    Guys i have just ordered some Munchkin 2* 1gb strips Blue Ram

    I have a Asus K8N SLI mother board which once the new ram goes on will leave me another 2 blank holes for Ram to go onto .

    My question is can i use my old Ram 2*512 strips of something cheap which is DDR as well in the other 2 strips to make 3gb or will i cause conflicts ?

    PLease help

    Love you all forever and will buy you all a beer ???

    and it's Mushkin.


    • #3
      Re: Ram question please help

      Without knowing more details about the actual RAM speeds 'n stuff, I'd say yeah... you should be ok.

      I'd put the new RAM in the first 2 slots 'n put the older stuff in the back. This way, the newer RAM will be used first and you'll get less overall traffic across the bridge. I theory.

      That said... there's a hardware forum for this kinda stuff. This thread shoulda gone in there.

      Now where's me beer?

      Edit: The esiest way to find out if it will work is to try it. If your machine fails to boot, you know. If there's a funny smell and a burning sound, you know for sure.


      • #4
        Re: Ram question please help

        The beer is in the gargage and you are welcome to as much as you like , trouble is im in the UK ??????

