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  • Any LAWYERS in BF2

    Any LAWYERS play if so, Can the BF2 community file a Class Action Lawsuit against the people who create hacks and sell them? If so I think might be a first.

  • #2
    Re: Any LAWYERS in BF2

    I'm no lawyer but I'm gonna throw my opinion out anyway.

    I'm not sure that YOU could actually file the lawsuit. My guess would be that it would have to be EA/DICE or maybe even the server owner.


    • #3
      Re: Any LAWYERS in BF2

      Unfortunatly, the only people that really have a case against the hack sellers are their own customers. They could sue for misrepresentation (since the hacks have some nasty things included with them).

      EA could file suite for damages if they can prove that hackers cause them to lose sales, but that would be very hard to prove.

      There's some other grey areas that could be pressed (criminal fraud for instance), but any kind of suite would be expensive and unlikely to succeed.

      BTW, I studied law for a couple years, but desided against becoming a lawyer since I didn't like the BS games that go on that have nothing to do with justice or even being "right".


      • #4
        Re: Any LAWYERS in BF2

        EA could file suite for damages if they can prove that hackers cause them to lose sales, but that would be very hard to prove.
        cant the patches be like hacks, they bitchs and they would cause a lose of sales


        • #5
          Re: Any LAWYERS in BF2

          Originally posted by BlackHawkPilot73
          cant the patches be like hacks, they bitchs and they would cause a lose of sales
          well thats a new low


          • #6
            Re: Any LAWYERS in BF2

            Why sue? Just make them give us free expantions!

