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some ppl are just lame

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  • some ppl are just lame

    so a sniper comes runnig around a totally taken by surprise. do i get shot? NO. he had a knife out. so my reaction of course was to hurry up and jump back from him, and he starts coming at me stabbing away.

    naturally, i must accept such a gesture, and i bring out my blade. we run a couple circles around each other, and suddenly, he pulls out his m95.

    BOOM! point blank, right in my chest! lucky for me i had full health, im down to my 2 bars of health, and i stab him as he reloads the chamber. i was just like wth, we are in a knife fight, and you pull an m95 on me?

    i then proceeded to tea bag his body, and shoot him in the face with my L96.


  • #2
    Re: some ppl are just lame

    Well... you cant expect people to know good conduct while 2 knives are out.. Some people are just like this... But, it just matters that you smoked em rite?


    • #3
      Re: some ppl are just lame

      Originally posted by Antioch93x
      Well... you cant expect people to know good conduct while 2 knives are out.. Some people are just like this... But, it just matters that you smoked em rite?
      ya, i got him. but still, he initiated the knife fight, and he wimps out like a pansy.


      • #4
        Re: some ppl are just lame

        The object is to kill not to run around in circles like little children


        • #5
          Re: some ppl are just lame

          Originally posted by [TOILET]Metal_Storm
          The object is to kill not to run around in circles like little children
          Yup. I bet he was trying to trick you into a knife fight, so he could get an easy kill. Everything goes in war.


          • #6
            Re: some ppl are just lame

            for the past few days, ive been using only the knife.....oh, and C4 for those pesky armor....anyway....some ppl are p ussies, and will bunnyhop away trying to shoot their AT rocket....or pkm....but i notice alot of ppl takling out knives and deuling back.....once, two guys did.....and it was at a control i was impressed.....then a guy from their team ruins it and shoots me dead...

            i used to shoot ppl who come at me with a knife.....for now on....imma be deuling


            • #7
              Re: some ppl are just lame

              Coulda been worse...

              While reading this little tale, I was fully expecting the dude to throw a claymore at you! Hehe, he prolly already spammed 'em out at the nearest flag tho.


              • #8
                Re: some ppl are just lame

                Originally posted by Wargimp
                Coulda been worse...

                While reading this little tale, I was fully expecting the dude to throw a claymore at you! Hehe, he prolly already spammed 'em out at the nearest flag tho.
                lol....thas happened to me sooo many times....i like when the claymore goes off, and kills me, him, and his teamate.....then seeing the "X has 443 punishes and 0 forgives" message

                the funniest thing i noticed when going after groups with a seeing how many teamkills they get trying to kill me


                • #9
                  Re: some ppl are just lame

                  Originally posted by Wargimp
                  Coulda been worse...

                  While reading this little tale, I was fully expecting the dude to throw a claymore at you! Hehe, he prolly already spammed 'em out at the nearest flag tho.
                  funny, cuz i was getting ready to lay a claymore myself when he came out but never deployed it.

                  i STILL cant get that damn explosive basic badge...i came so close..wsa getting so many claymore kills...and then we lost the hotel and it was down hill from there.


                  • #10
                    Re: some ppl are just lame

                    Teabaggin rules! I love to teabag a tard I just wasted.

                    As for knifefighting, I would do it more often if I wasn't a total fing dumbass who can't hit the 1 key quick enough. Really, you guys would lose it if you could see how uncoordinated I can be.


                    • #11
                      Re: some ppl are just lame

                      just Indiana Jones him and move on !!!


                      • #12
                        Re: some ppl are just lame

                        I'm sorry but anyone who brings a knife to a gunfight gets a 12 guage into the face.



                        • #13
                          Re: some ppl are just lame

                          Originally posted by sarb
                          i then proceeded to tea bag his body, and shoot him in the face with my L96.

                          Lol, nice closure there feller

