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Joystick Help!

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  • Joystick Help!

    I just got a joystick to help me fly the planes and maybe the helicopter. Well I figured out that it is useless for the helicopter. For the plane it works great but the plane rolls opposite the direction I push the joystick (i.e. push left plane rolls right). Is this normal and can I reverse it. I am used to flight sims that let you tweak your joystick to the max, but Battlefield 2 doesn't let me do this. I want the plane to roll left when I push left on the joystick. I tried inverting the mouse on aircraft to see if this changed it but it didn't.

    Help is much appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Joystick Help!

    When you are setting the control for roll left, make sure the joystick is centered. Then click on the control and push the joystick left when it's ready.


    • #3
      Re: Joystick Help!

      Originally posted by unununium
      When you are setting the control for roll left, make sure the joystick is centered. Then click on the control and push the joystick left when it's ready.
      Thanks for your help.

      I could try this, but I think when I assigned the joystick to roll it automatically picked the axis for it, don't remember which one. I clicked the roll right and pushed right and it automatically set the roll left and right to that axis. I wish there was some way to invert the sideways axis on the joystick.


      • #4
        Re: Joystick Help!

        Originally posted by Rhodsie
        Thanks for your help.

        I could try this, but I think when I assigned the joystick to roll it automatically picked the axis for it, don't remember which one. I clicked the roll right and pushed right and it automatically set the roll left and right to that axis. I wish there was some way to invert the sideways axis on the joystick.
        If you just do it a few times it'll eventually get it right.


        • #5
          Re: Joystick Help!

          When I get in a bomber (i have set it so that i fly with a joystick) it doesn't go forward. It actually starts rolling backwards.
          No Throttle, nothin ,but I can fly fighters
          Any help.


          • #6
            Re: Joystick Help!

            CannonFodder that is very strange. They plane I was using was the F18. I didn't try any other for lack of time. I guess I will work on it some more Friday night. I could probably get used to it though. I was just hoping I wouldn't have to, that's all.


            • #7
              Re: Joystick Help!

              the axis is based on which roll you click on

              if you click on roll right - and push right - it will still use the same -/+ if you pushed left on the stick

              the only way to invert it is to click on roll left, and push in any direction (but to be sure i would push in the same direction). that is how you invert the axis - you set the axis with the other direction control setting.

              it always puts axis + on the one you click and axis - on the one that's left (or vice versa - but you get the jist)


              • #8
                Re: Joystick Help!

                Someon has told me their joystick did the same thing. They said when assinging the roll you need to push left when assinging to right and vice versa.

                Thanks for all the help from the people above. I will try to fix it tomorrow night and let you know how it goes.


                • #9
                  Re: Joystick Help!

                  Originally posted by Rhodsie
                  Someon has told me their joystick did the same thing. They said when assinging the roll you need to push left when assinging to right and vice versa.

                  Thanks for all the help from the people above. I will try to fix it tomorrow night and let you know how it goes.
                  I had the same issues... and found if you only set the position "roll right" the left would automatically apply .. same with the thrust and reverse only set the one position and the reverse would assume the opposite setting. This was really bugging me in the game but I figured it out!

