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stuttering out of a game.

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  • stuttering out of a game.

    After installing v1.22 i have the stuttering problem that occurs about five mins after starting and gradually gets worse even with great pings..

    If i disconnect from a server the stuttering appears to continue. The background image behind the data screens stutters, and also my music stutters and goes crackerly.

    I was hoping that someone new how to fix the later and it would inturn fix the my main stuttering nightmare.



  • #2
    Re: stuttering out of a game.

    Originally posted by Muddyfunster
    After installing v1.22 i have the stuttering problem that occurs about five mins after starting and gradually gets worse even with great pings..

    If i disconnect from a server the stuttering appears to continue. The background image behind the data screens stutters, and also my music stutters and goes crackerly.

    I was hoping that someone new how to fix the later and it would inturn fix the my main stuttering nightmare.


    I started having stuttering (not connection issues) but very jumpy graphics after 1.22. I was alble to fix it by disbling all background tasks. Ultimatley I just bought more ram (now have 2 gig's) and the suttering is gone. I think 1.22 uses more resources and the stuttering is do your setup not being able to handle it all. Just a guess.

    AMD 3200+
    2 gig ram
    ge force 6800
    audiology Z2
    wireless cable internet


    • #3
      Re: stuttering out of a game.

      yes, try more ram since 1.2 BF2 uses 200mb more ram


      • #4
        Re: stuttering out of a game.

        I had the same stuttering after 1.21 patch, as well as "you have a problem with your connection" popping on and off at second intervals....I believe it is a server software issue with the latest patch....I fixed the problem by going to START, then RUN, then typing services.msc, then clicking on standard tab, then general and then stop this service.

        stutter dissapeared instantly and smoothed out .....must restart after game. Kinda a pain to do everytime but did fix the prob until EA comes out with another patch hopefully...


        • #5
          Re: stuttering out of a game.

          Or it could be what many of us are getting regardless of ram or anyother PC aspect.

          I have had this lag issue regardless of ping for over three months. Read some of the threads, players are getting lag with top spec comps and great pings!

          The game runs fine for 30 mins then its lag attack!!!

          No one has really found a real solution....

          It's something to do with EA.


          • #6
            Re: stuttering out of a game.

            I only played last night since 1.22 and had a ping of 32 and am allso getting this stutter. Never had this with any of the other patches.

