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uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

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  • uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

    stop whineing about it and making servers that protect the uncaps. there is aa and commander assets there for a reason! saying someone cant attack an uncapturable is like saying no vehicles or knives only!

  • #2
    Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

    agreed, all CPs are fair game in my book.


    • #3
      Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

      Stop whining about whining.
      If you don't like servers that have protected uncaps, don't play on 'em.
      Simple as that.


      • #4
        Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

        If you own the map and the only spawn they have is that uncap-able then yes by all means attack it..

        ...but if the map is split evenly between the two sides then there shouldn't be a concentration of forces at their uncap-able.(with the exception of spec-ops)

        Oh and IMHO arti on an uncap-able base (while the rest of the CPs are split) is the lamest thing in the game and it also has been known to make baby jesus cry.

        Originally posted by Wargimp
        Stop whining about whining.
        If you don't like servers that have protected uncaps, don't play on 'em.
        Simple as that.


        • #5
          Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

          The sever I play on doesn't encourage attacking uncaps (with the exception of assets) until you have all other flags


          • #6
            Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

            Originally posted by CannonFodder
            The sever I play on doesn't encourage attacking uncaps (with the exception of assets) until you have all other flags


            • #7
              Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

              We needed another uncap spawn raping thread.
              That said......who cares. If you dont like it, disconnect. WIth over 3,000 servers why put up with lameness. And one mans version of lame is another's method. So.....whos wrong? No one is wrong. Its simply a matter of finding a server where people are all simliar in their belief on how a game should be played. When you find that server, its pure bliss.
              Please everyone, if your having a hard time dealing with smacktards, DISCONNECT. And, really your doing everyone a favor. The more we as a group can leave servers empty, the more admins are gonna change things.
              Its like voting. Vote with your disconnect!!!!


              • #8
                Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                it's spwanraping, very simple, you cant be there to take the flag and so take some new part of the battlefield, the only reason you should be there is to destroy the assets, not for staying there and raping the point .

                And offcourse it has AA sites and stuff, how could it defend otherwise


                • #9
                  Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                  Originally posted by roger smith
                  stop whineing about it and making servers that protect the uncaps. there is aa and commander assets there for a reason! saying someone cant attack an uncapturable is like saying no vehicles or knives only!
                  Tired of being shot down by airbourne jets? Consider yourself an 1337 dogfighter by shooting down grounded jets? I know a server just for you...


                  • #10
                    Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                    Believe me, when a server starts to sour in numbers, admins discuss how they can bring back people. As a former admin of a very popular server (in dc) when numbers start to decrease, its taken very seriously.


                    • #11
                      Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                      hey i dont mind the thought of attacking main bases IF YOU HAVE ALL OTHER FLAGS but its the camping of cappable flags(spec karkland) that anoys me,also how many times do u loose all flags with 150-200 to go because everyone is camping and not defending and attacking .

                      Even when u scream we need a flag they still just camp:laugh: and wont geta flag .This does not apply to snipers as they have that role im talkn mass camping(spawn killing) the knife is nice for them but more armour is doing this also:cry:


                      • #12
                        Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                        I'll never understand why people can't just follow the server rules. If the server goes against the way you like to play, find another server. There's plenty out there to choose from.


                        • #13
                          Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                          Originally posted by Wargimp
                          Stop whining about whining.
                          If you don't like servers that have protected uncaps, don't play on 'em.
                          Simple as that.
                          If only everyone followed this. Stop whining and play another. Easy fix.


                          • #14
                            Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                            I just wish another game would come out.

                            lol. Tomb Raider Legends really is terrific. But.......its not FPS online multi mayhem.

                            Oh........uncap thing again....ok

                            Ok, if your against spaming and raping uncaps....STOP.
                            Start doing it now. Enjoy yourself. GO see how INCREDIBLY EASY gaining points is doing this. Then you can laugh at the UBER soldeirs pretending they are.....good.
                            But...seriously, make a map that has NOTHING but uncap flags. That would be really, really, really fun. (rolls eyes)
                            =IR2= Wear the new tag (prefix) Im raping too.
                            Join the new revelation. Soon, we can make it so....the entire enemy is in each others main uncap.....staring at the skies..............
                            EA Its in the uncaps.


                            • #15
                              Re: uncaps are supposed to be attacked!

                              Originally posted by roger smith
                              stop whineing about it and making servers that protect the uncaps. there is aa and commander assets there for a reason! saying someone cant attack an uncapturable is like saying no vehicles or knives only!
                              I peronally have nothing against people attacking my base even if my team has more than one flag. That gives me better chance to cap some of their undefended flags. But since there are different opinions on this subject, I guess the most fair thing would be to forbid base raping, unless all of the other flags are taken. But servers that forbid base attacking period (even if the base is their last spawn point left) I also hate. What are you suppose to do then, let them take a flag before you can attack them?

