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changing music

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  • changing music

    ok what i was hoping to do is change the loading music for chinease and MEC i have converted both music files into ogg. then replaced them with the old ones with the same name e.g load_MEC_music . but then when i try the game when loading the maps my music doesnt play also i want to do this for all maps can someone help me out here!!!

  • #2
    Re: changing music

    1. Make shaw your music is in .ogg format, there are some converters around to turn it from .mp3 etc.

    2. Go to: "...\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Levels\MAP_NAME" and make a folder called 'music' and put your music file in there, eg. loadmusic.ogg.

    3. then go to:"...\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Levels\MAP_NAME\Info" and open MAP_NAME.desc with notepad.

    Where you see the line:
    "<music> common/sound/menu/music/load_MEC_music.ogg </music>"
    change it to:
    "<music> levels/MAP_NAME/music/loadmusic.ogg </music>"

    "loadmusic" = What you called your music file once .ogg.
    "MAP_NAME" = The name of your map folder.
    The music will only play once your map is packed up, at least for me.
    If you want to change the music that came with the game - I'm not shaw if PB will like that.
    If it dousn't play, chances are your .ogg is currupt.

    Hope that solves it for you.


    • #3
      Re: changing music

      thx for the information about getting the music in a map but what i was really wanting to know is can i just change the music on normal maps, do i have to go into mods/bf2/

      then replace the load_MEC_music with my own ogg. music but give it the same name. i only really want this for personal use not a custom map but i do want to play on PB servers (this is what i did before but no music played) what im trying to explain is can i just change the music without moddifieng the game just like you can change the backround video on the menu

      Can ya awnser that


      • #4
        Re: changing music

        I just did what you posted to do, and it works for single player, but do you know how to make it work for multi player?

        oh nevermind, I just figured it out, if you want to know how i did it the Post Message me

        yeah..umm you can just basically ignore my last post. I did figure it out, and when im loading it does play my music, but PB doesnt like it, so you wont be able to play on any ranked PB servers.

        but it was cool whilst it lasted


        • #5
          Re: changing music

          ok this is really getting on my nerves when i relised you cant do it i changed everything back to normal but now its says I HAVE MODIFIED CONTENT !!!!!!!
          this has happend before when making maps but i am sertain i have put everything back into place. well so i left it over night next morning it worked i was happy untill next game I HAVE MODIFIED CONTENT wtf i dont have modified content, well im gonna try install the patch again worked before for a while then i had to uninstall the game quite frankly im sick of this problem especialy when im about to get promoted


          • #6
            Re: changing music

   changed alll the music back to their default settings right? cause mine is working fine.


            • #7
              Re: changing music

              yer its ok now i had to reinstall the game:wall: but now im really happy cause i just got promoted to 1st sgt :yay:


              • #8
                Re: changing music

                sweet, congrats

