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Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

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  • Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

    Recently I've read the ROE, and I try to stay on servers that follow the ROE. Sometimes however I end up on servers that aren't following the ROE, IE they might have FF off but I don't realize it till after a few rounds.

    I guess my question is, do I have to worry about DICE/EA wiping my account cause I played on a server that wasn't following the ROE or what? Be cool to get a response from a BF2RS admin or something....

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Re: Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

    FF off is not against the ROE. It is suggested that it be on, but it is allowed to be off. The only time you would really have to worry about getting wiped for being on a server violating the ROE would be if it was a violation related to stat padding and you were participating. For example, if it was a knife/pistol only, or if they were telling people not to use vehicles, or not capture flags, etc. These would all be pretty obvious within the first couple minutes or so of getting onto a server, so if someone played on such a server for a length of time they could be setting themselves up for a stats wipe.


    • #3
      Re: Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

      I agree, after reading the ROE for myself I was surprised how many servers do not follow the rules. A rule of thumb I use to select a good server, is to look at the amount of scrolling messages that are shown (i.e, green text). If you see something like "If you punish my clans tk's you are banned" then that is obviously a bad server.
      Also, I would recommend you look more closely at the loading screen, it will tell you if friendly fire is on or not, along with a lot of other information that will make your game time safer and more enjoyable. Assume that FF is always on. I do not recall FF being a necessary criteria for being ROE compliant.
      Don't streess out, you are not going to get your account wiped out for playing honorably. If you start stat padding and boosting your score in an irregular way, then you could get reported just dont start freaking out.


      • #4
        Re: Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

        Thanks for clearing that up, for some reason I thought it said FF had to be on. I guess in my mind I didn't think to double check it because it seemed logical. Guess it's a good time to work on my piloting and bombing skills.

        I play with some friends on xfire and end up on random servers following them. I usually try to read the rules and settings during loading but wasn't sure if changes in the mine FF would affect the what the FF would show up during loading. I always assume FF is on, forces me to be more careful.

        ROE could be a bit more explicit but then people might find loop holes. Wish I double checked the ROE first....anyways thanks for answer my noob question, I appreciate it.

        Hehe does buggy whoring to humiliate enemy squads count as "boosting your score in an irregular way"?


        • #5
          Re: Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

          The ROE, updated on 3-16-06 are posted at the following link:

          In those rules I see the following:

          § Though it is not required, EA requests that all servers run Friendly Fire at 100% for all settings, including mines (sv.friendlyFireWithMines).

          FF on is not mandatory.


          • #6
            Re: Ranked servers not abiding by the ROE

            Originally posted by infectedsoldier
            Thanks for clearing that up, for some reason I thought it said FF had to be on. I guess in my mind I didn't think to double check it because it seemed logical. Guess it's a good time to work on my piloting and bombing skills.

            I play with some friends on xfire and end up on random servers following them. I usually try to read the rules and settings during loading but wasn't sure if changes in the mine FF would affect the what the FF would show up during loading. I always assume FF is on, forces me to be more careful.

            ROE could be a bit more explicit but then people might find loop holes. Wish I double checked the ROE first....anyways thanks for answer my noob question, I appreciate it.

            Hehe does buggy whoring to humiliate enemy squads count as "boosting your score in an irregular way"?
            I understand that FF on mines thing totally, it threw us all for a loop when they changed it in that patch. But thgen again, I never understood why people were so unable to push ALT an see what that skull was (c4/mine/claymore). When in a ground vehicle, I always just assumed that if I saw a red skull it was a mine and made my way around it. This gave the engineers a break on being teamkillers too. It would seem to most like common sense but I guess not to everyone.
            I dontn think buggy whoring is against the rules! If you can wipe out a squad with it, more power to you man!

