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  • Karkand

    I read the forums often but have only posted a couple of times. This latest experiance however made me angry, frustrated, bemused, amused and many other wonderful words.

    I jumped into a purely Karkand server and what a debarcle. I admit I'm an average player, I rarely use vehicles as I am poor at using them etc but in saying that I usually at least hold my own (I play SF mostly as it is much better for infantry orientated persons such as myself in my opinion). For these rounds though I am honestly surprised I did not get a few purple hearts, the only reason I can think of for not getting one is you can only have one? (received one at the beginning of my BF2 career ).

    I honestly don't know how people do it? It had to be the most boring server in existence it consisted of thrown grenades, people bunny hopping around like an industrial spring was caught in their back passages and camping vehicles.

    The only reason I can see to go through all of that is to pad your stats after you have gone through the pain of learning all the little quirks and tricks of the map inside and out but my god the boredom this must invoke.

    Can anyone shed any light on this? I'm quite curious to see others views on the map. (Note: I have had some great games on there but usually when it is just rotating through)

    Also I read the thread where someone said they were just seeing some coincidences starting to appear that leads to the suspicion of hacks and after these rounds I have to agree. I had one guy jumping around like nothing else. I dislike bunny hoppers as much as the next person but he was a glorious sight to behold. He would jump go prone and jump right back up without stopping. I actually watched him jump around so much a tank could not shoot him.

    Has anyone heard of a hack like this? Is it even a hack? Hell it could be an exploit to get around the pause after going prone and if thats the case more power to him and I am remapping my keys.

    Of course it goes without saying he topped the board everytime (he also managed to squeeze off bloody acurate shots while jumping around which was the icing on the poo cake he was serving me)

    I also had my first case of someone teabagging me which was bemusing because he was pretty average on the scoreboard like me. I of course called him an idiot and moved on (poor bugger probably needs moments like these to use in his nighttime activities in bed and I'm way to nice to take away the self esteem people such as him need when they look at their spotty faces in the mirror each morning)

    All in all an interesting experiance

  • #2
    Re: Karkand

    I like Karkand. I won't just jump into a round though on some server because this kinda crap happens waaaay too much.


    • #3
      Re: Karkand

      Its a tough map. Its all I've really played when I started, since I'm new to the game. At first it was a great time because I was just learning. Now that I have a little experice I don't play it as much simply because i can't compete. I still have fun on it, but I don't ever do into it feeling as if I'm going to hold my on.


      • #4
        Re: Karkand

        I used to play Karkand on occasion, but it's getting real old for me and all the 24/7 Karkand maps are complete nests of exploiters, smacktards, whores, and anyone else looking to rack up cheap points rather than play the game right. It's really pathetic.

        And the bunny hopping thing isn't really totally fixed. I've seen a couple of prix doing this nasty little trick where they go prone, shoot, jump sideways, prone, shoot, jump sideways, prone, shoot, etc. etc.. See, when you were moving sideways and you prone a little quirk happens: you can aim and shoot the instant you hit the button, but everyone else sees an animation of you rolling as you hit the ground. Thus, you are even more difficult to hit than a dolphin diver, but you can shoot in between dives without stopping your movement.

        Moving around a little, strafing, maybe jumping once or twice I've got no problem with, but this is a really cheap crap tactic.


        • #5
          Re: Karkand

          There is also a 24/7 Kubra Dam. That is an awesome map for all kits.


          • #6
            Re: Karkand

            It's where you will find the PKM'ers, the Claymores all over the place and generally the map where you will find the underbelly of the BF2 community

            Reason why it's the most played map is simply becuase all the servers are always running it, easy for points and good if you want a shootout (even then it's always uninteruppted by artillery or grenades all over the place)


            • #7
              Re: Karkand

              Originally posted by Stizzle
              It's where you will find the PKM'ers, the Claymores all over the place and generally the map where you will find the underbelly of the BF2 community

              Reason why it's the most played map is simply becuase all the servers are always running it, easy for points and good if you want a shootout (even then it's always uninteruppted by artillery or grenades all over the place)
              The grenades and artillery can really add to the hectic nature of the place. It was the only place that I for a while. When I went to different maps it was a nice change of pace.


              • #8
                Re: Karkand

                24/7 karkand = half life 2 deathmatch.

                They are the same. I love that style of play. . . however, if i want that, HL2 is far superior. BF2 is a different type of game. But if everyone on a server is doing it, it is hard to get away from it.

