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What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

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  • What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

    I know there has been similar kind of threads but let's just make an update.

    Mine is a little questionable because it's a teamkill.

    I was playing Euro Force few days ago. I was waiting copter with other fellows on MEC base. I managed to get gunner seat. In my surprise my pilot turned vehicle inverse direction and flied to boundary of the map, so that I was outside allowed zone and he was in it. So there I was floating in kill zone no reasonable way out. So this guy killed me without getting tk sanction. After this he was just flying alone with his copter with no impressive results. I got angry, changed my role to spec ops and started to wait the copter again.

    Same picture repeated, but before entering the gunner seat, I put a couple C4 packets in the side of the copter. This idiot turned again reverse direction to make me dead again. I mentioned him for my life insurance. I guess he didn't trust or notice my words. So when we entered to same place again, I jumped out glanced the dead man flying and pushed the trigger. Nothing has ever given better feelings with this game than seeing that mtf being blowed out of the sky. It was a teamkill but it felt good

  • #2
    Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

    I was at the hotel at karkland. My team wasnt that good...
    Anyways we lost all flags except the Hotel. Imagine that.
    At any rate, the impending doom was upon us. I was at the flag, and seen em comming, had to be 3 squads of guys comming. The nades were comming. I died. Luckily a medic revived me, however when i respawned or rather was revived i had the sniper kit. WTF!!!!!! i thought, oh yeah, this is good, I thought.
    Anyways, there was a support guy near me. He wasnt doing anything really, i mean not prone or anything. I guess he was just there for...ahh yeah support.
    Anyways, the 3 or so squads arrived. I put a claymore down. Hey i suck with the sniper rifle, so tossed a claymore on the steps... BOOM!!! killed like 2 guys with it. They still kept comming. Backed up dropped another...BOOM! got a few more. Meanwhile i was still being ammo'ed up cuz of the support guy...dropped another.. BOOM.....dropped another.
    NO lie........... 12 kills = 24 points. I couldnt believe it. I mean i saw the whites of their eyes every kill even. How I even lived long enough, was unreal.
    That was seriously my best moment.
    ( i cant help to think at least ONE of those guys i killed wasnt thinking......HACKER!!!!!!!!)


    • #3
      Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

      My most enjoyable was also my most suprising moment.

      I was a sniper on Dragon Valley and a buggy was driving away from me and shot at it and got two kills with one shot:guns:


      • #4
        Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

        I had a round where I played every class except for engineerand spec ops. And every class I played was perfectly suited to the situation I was in. I started out as medic and we charged a flag with my squad of 4. We ran into another squad (or group, maybe) and my whole squad was wiped except for me, I took out the 4 remaining enemies (many people go kill assists for). I revived my teammates and we capped the flag in seconds.

        Running away from the flag (and noticing that we already had two medics in our squad) I picked up an assault kit from some I just killed. We charged north to the next flag. A perfectly place noob toob round took out 3 people (back in the days when the blast radius wasn't so ridiculously small) switched over to my gun and took out two more before I was brough down just at the square flag. The medics in my squad came in and finished the job and rezzed me and I was rezzed with a sniper kit.

        I then climbed the ladder to the top of that tall building and started sniping people coming from the suburbs. Got about three sniper kills before some other sniper got me. Talking to my friends on teamspeak, they said that there was an APC at the flag so I spawned AT. Took the APC down in one shot (obivously, it had already been damaged) and got 3 kills for it. Just then the tank come around the corner and, two shots later, it is down as well.

        Realizing that I probably wouldn't be seeing any vehicles anytime soon, I picked up a supply kit. Pre-patch so there were no supply people running around. I must have had 5 resupplies in the first few seconds of picking that up. My squad started moving up toward the suburbs (the souther high road approach) and when I got to the top of the hill I saw a bunch of people all sniping and firing down upon the square. I dropped into the prone position and just unloaded on them. Took out 3 guys. . .got hit a couple of times, but my medics were there giving me health.

        We then moved in and captured the suburbs. (realize, I have now had two cap and neutralize assists and 1 cap/neutralize point and I have only died once). Still has a support guy we start heading down to the Train accident and, at the top of the hill facing down upon the TA, another squad is capping the flag. As the enemy is spawning there I fall down into prone and lay cover fire. Take out two guys trying to destroy my team at the flag.

        Running down the hill i see a tank coming across the bridge. I jump into the mounted AT gun and, bam, get a shot off before he kills me. So, I spawn there as AT. Tank is sitting right there in front of me, already pretty weak from my first shot, and I take him down easy.

        By this time my team had already crossed the bridge and had captured the factory and cement factory. And we had them pinned down at the gatehouse and the warehouse.

        From there the round was pretty tame as we just ate their tickets up. . . but that first ten minutes of the round I had around 20 kills, only 2 deaths and team points galore.

        You could say it was a good day.


        • #5
          Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

          argh Wait, here is another you gotta read.....funny.
          My team is sucking. I hope of even comming close to win. It was Maastur city. (spell check)
          Ok, hope is lost, and tickets about down. I hop in a blackhawk. I mean my team dont even get in it with me and opt to walk apparently. Arghh.
          So I get it and head to the last flag we now have, which now is white when i get there. I said ahhhhhhhh hell with it, im crashing it into the flag of people there. And yes, there was seriously the whole other team there.
          SO i started my dive. As the ground got closer, ( the copter was seriously nose diving) I thought, nah im not going down with the ship. I'll jump out. Well when I did, someone shot a Nade launcher at the blackhawk. And he killed me. Arghh CRAP!!! nothing here I thought. Well at that same moment, the guy that killed me......
          Earned 9 Teamkills. LOL It read......
          repeat 8 more times. LOL it was like wow.
          In fact a few of his team mates started bitching at him. One guy said, nice bro, you effectively killed your whole team with one shot...nice man.
          He had a top score too, which was also ruined.
          LOL ahh im laughing writting this as it was very, very funny.


          • #6
            Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

            2 helis were dog fighting miles above me, they were just a dot in the clouds.

            I was Anti-Tank and decided to take a shot to scare the heli pilot.
            I shot my Missle, it went up for so long, like a minute.. it seemed.. and it hit the cockpit, the glass area.

            Killed the Pilot and the Heli went spiraling off in to the sunset with the gunner still inside


            • #7
              Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

              Originally posted by evilzucchini
              I had a round where I played every class except for engineerand spec ops. And every class I played was perfectly suited to the situation I was in. I started out as medic and we charged a flag with my squad of 4. We ran into another squad (or group, maybe) and my whole squad was wiped except for me, I took out the 4 remaining enemies (many people go kill assists for). I revived my teammates and we capped the flag in seconds.

              Running away from the flag (and noticing that we already had two medics in our squad) I picked up an assault kit from some I just killed. We charged north to the next flag. A perfectly place noob toob round took out 3 people (back in the days when the blast radius wasn't so ridiculously small) switched over to my gun and took out two more before I was brough down just at the square flag. The medics in my squad came in and finished the job and rezzed me and I was rezzed with a sniper kit.

              I then climbed the ladder to the top of that tall building and started sniping people coming from the suburbs. Got about three sniper kills before some other sniper got me. Talking to my friends on teamspeak, they said that there was an APC at the flag so I spawned AT. Took the APC down in one shot (obivously, it had already been damaged) and got 3 kills for it. Just then the tank come around the corner and, two shots later, it is down as well.

              Realizing that I probably wouldn't be seeing any vehicles anytime soon, I picked up a supply kit. Pre-patch so there were no supply people running around. I must have had 5 resupplies in the first few seconds of picking that up. My squad started moving up toward the suburbs (the souther high road approach) and when I got to the top of the hill I saw a bunch of people all sniping and firing down upon the square. I dropped into the prone position and just unloaded on them. Took out 3 guys. . .got hit a couple of times, but my medics were there giving me health.

              We then moved in and captured the suburbs. (realize, I have now had two cap and neutralize assists and 1 cap/neutralize point and I have only died once). Still has a support guy we start heading down to the Train accident and, at the top of the hill facing down upon the TA, another squad is capping the flag. As the enemy is spawning there I fall down into prone and lay cover fire. Take out two guys trying to destroy my team at the flag.

              Running down the hill i see a tank coming across the bridge. I jump into the mounted AT gun and, bam, get a shot off before he kills me. So, I spawn there as AT. Tank is sitting right there in front of me, already pretty weak from my first shot, and I take him down easy.

              By this time my team had already crossed the bridge and had captured the factory and cement factory. And we had them pinned down at the gatehouse and the warehouse.

              From there the round was pretty tame as we just ate their tickets up. . . but that first ten minutes of the round I had around 20 kills, only 2 deaths and team points galore.

              You could say it was a good day.
              Nice work. I hate seeing tank whole a round when I am a sniper, because I would usually c-4 it like I have done so often.


              • #8
                Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

                When a Colonel cant kill me on ground combat


                • #9
                  Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

                  my most enjoyable moment was during a scrim with oWs and our jihd specialist was in the mec chopper hunting thier armour time after time bam c4 chooper into their tank over and over. i was commander and watching a tank run from a chopper in commander mode is hilarious and i was wishing i was on their Ventrillo to hear him probable say "oh crap here comes that suicide chopper agian!"


                  • #10
                    Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

                    Mine is similar to the original poster. Have you ever had some nutjob on your team get in your face and hassle you, or fire bullets in your direction? I was on Mash one night when this idiot behind me started throwing grenades near me. One took about 2 bars off my health. He then starts shooting his pistol in my direction but not actually hitting me. I just was not in the mood so I turned around and shot him in the leg.

                    This little punk went psycho. He was typing these lame messages about retribution and death. I was trying to go about my business while this lamer kept typing how he was going to hunt me down and kill me. It was so stupid. This went on for about 5 minutes but I never saw him so I figured he was all talk. I think he thought he was actually scaring me.

                    Anyway, he finally decided to kill me. He teamkilled me about 5 times in a row before I had enough. I spawned as medic and jumped him before he could jump me. I then revived him and knifed him about 10 times in a row. This idiot was telling me the only way out of "death" was to leave. After I raped his moron a$$ 10 times in a row he was the one to leave.


                    • #11
                      Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

                      i know this sounds lame.....but seriously, when an idiot like that shows up, i really do want to knife, revive, knife, revive him for like............the round. LOL.


                      • #12
                        Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

                        Originally posted by motorboatJones
                        Mine is similar to the original poster. Have you ever had some nutjob on your team get in your face and hassle you, or fire bullets in your direction? I was on Mash one night when this idiot behind me started throwing grenades near me. One took about 2 bars off my health. He then starts shooting his pistol in my direction but not actually hitting me. I just was not in the mood so I turned around and shot him in the leg.

                        This little punk went psycho. He was typing these lame messages about retribution and death. I was trying to go about my business while this lamer kept typing how he was going to hunt me down and kill me. It was so stupid. This went on for about 5 minutes but I never saw him so I figured he was all talk. I think he thought he was actually scaring me.

                        Anyway, he finally decided to kill me. He teamkilled me about 5 times in a row before I had enough. I spawned as medic and jumped him before he could jump me. I then revived him and knifed him about 10 times in a row. This idiot was telling me the only way out of "death" was to leave. After I raped his moron a$$ 10 times in a row he was the one to leave.
                        :rofl: Did you get credit for knife kills? That is funny. Expect my encounter was with an enemy and we both could no hit eacher other at about 10 feet apart. I saw him reloada and still could not hit him. If I was standing up I would have c-4 both me and him, becuse it was just frustrating.


                        • #13
                          Re: What is your most enjoyable moment while playing BF2

                          Few days ago, I'm ramboing everything on Karkand taking orders from the commander. Coming up on the train accident from the water with my Vodnik heading for the suburbs, I see a squad of 2 next to a pillar. I try to run them over. I miss and hit the pillar. Not getting shot at, so they obviously don't know what's going on. I could have just continued onward. Instead, I hop out, pull out my jackhammer, and realize there are actually three of them.

                          Seven shots, three bodies. PHPT: 1 Squad: 0.

