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how to avoid Base rape in GHOST TOWN

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  • how to avoid Base rape in GHOST TOWN

    (if uve seen this guide before then your right ive posted this in BF2 series tips and tricks aswel...)

    Right here's a few hints on how to beat the base rapers. im going to look at this from the spetznas team's prespective as they get raped the most as every1 swaps to the English team for the Longbow apache and the better weapons etc.

    RAPE 1) Helo??? - hell no!!!

    Helos are swating your every spawn and you cant seem to get any where... well i found teaming up with a good 3 man squad with VoIP is the best way to take them out. Have 2 men manning the cars (FAV) (as these are almost as damaging toward helis as a linbacker or tangusta) and the third man on the mounted AA. communicate well and have the AA lauch 2 rockets to take out a damn good lot of the armor and the FAV's will easilly finish the job within seconds... i find it hard to get to the FAV's/ AA because they dont give me a chance to eve walk three paces??? well i answer that with i cant really tell any good way of staying alive during this time but wait until he has left for ammo/health etc then set your HELO defence ( 2 FAVS 1 AA) by the next time he come back you should have the base raper in the bag.

    RAPE 2) armored ass holes

    Linebackers / armor and APC's have invaded our red circle base and nailing us before we can breathe... well i find obviously being antitank helps alot in these situations :P but the main object you have is to head toward the boats as quick as possible.. its no good climbing the ladders and finding cover that aint doing the team any good at all, you need to jump over the wall head down the hill ( the armor can not aim down the hill neither can the apcs or linebackers as there is a concrette wall ) so your safe from the fire... this should be easy if you spwan next to the wall just needs a bit of bunny hopping and ur all set. get a boat or jet ski and go under neath the bridges.. if you go toward the oil wells you'll be picked off by the helis so the bridges will give you more cover. head toward the farest land and take the flags and as many flags as you can... most of the base rapers will be too busy burrying your comrads to come immedactly over to investigate the neutral flag point and soon to be spetznaz flag. after taking your first flag head asap to another flag and you then your team should be free from the rape.


    DONT SPAWN UNTIL SOMEONE on your team takes a base LOL SIMPLE wait till a well established team has operated " RAPE 2" and then spawn at the new base and cap some more flags to nail your team back in the game:P

    I aint trying to patronise anyone with this guide its just a few points and tips i found that helped me in the rape situation and it has pulled my team out of some for sure defeats. hope it helps a little...

  • #2
    Re: how to avoid Base rape in GHOST TOWN

    The map needs to be modified. The spetznaz base is WAY too close where as the UK side is 2 bridges safe from being pelted by armor. Also the helo bases need to be reworked either remove them from the center and just give each main base an attack chopper instead of the transport.


    • #3
      Re: how to avoid Base rape in GHOST TOWN

      yea but we all know they wont do that and some people would rpobably hate the map if these changes were made but it would give the spetz team a better chance i do definatly agree there should be an extra bridge to give the russians a better chance of escaping sweeping fields of fire

