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Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

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  • Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

    Big scores, wins, losses. It blends together alot in online play. However big scores, do they mean a win?
    I cant tell you how many times, someone with 150 points in a game, is bragging about how, "AWESUME" they are/were. But they were on the losing team. Im always quick to point that out. I mean, ok, you did kick butt. But obviously you kicked butt in all the wrong places. My guess is if this super wonderful skilled player applied his super natural powers and skills towards winning, and not score, both (score and win) would come to him and his team.
    Meanwhile, same game, im on the winning team. My poor squad leader has about the lowest score on the server. The problem is, without this person/SquadLeader, we probally would have lost. This person, hung out in the shadows, so we could spawn and respawn off him, and eventually cap the flag point. COntinously this squad leader would do this. It was awesume. Like I said, Lowest Scorer on the server, but probally the most instrumental.
    I wish you code this kind of behavior into the rankings.

  • #2
    Re: Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

    Those are the people that sit and camp for points and dont care for teamwork


    • #3
      Re: Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

      Unfortunately people look at a person's rank and assume they are good, so people would rather whore points instead of trying to win the round, which is why pubs are so lame.


      • #4
        Re: Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

        Yeah there was someone with 150 points who just went around Mashturr in a helicopter with his clan capping flags the whole round. Me and some people told them to stop and they just came back with canned responses like 'your mom', and 'lol shot me down then bitch'. I eventually shot him down with a Stinger and took his precious helicopter pad and held it until the round ended.

        Then on the next map, Kubra, they tried to take the jets so me and someone else shot them down and camped their airfield while they whined and bitched, then eventually left the server. That's the most satisfied I've been in a while.

        So yeah, it's always great to stick it to someone who thinks they're hot ****.


        • #5
          Re: Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

          maybe this will sound stupid, but it is the truth, it's easyer to get big scores in a round when you are on the loosing team most of the time, this because

          Your team is loosing, meaning your team hasn't got many good players on it, meaning there are more enemy's for you to kill and flags for you to cape .


          • #6
            Re: Big Scores, but still, a loser?!?!

            i think it's a two sided thing... i've ended up many times taking first for the round and being on the losing side, and i wasn't just camping.. came from attacking and defending...
            also a poor win to loss ratio doesn't really mean you 'suck' it has a lot more to do with what kind of team you're on. i've been on plenty of teams were we have absolutely no chance in winning, you can cap flags left and right and your team will just not defend at all and end up getting ass raped. i know that scoring is based more off of kills, but attacking is a key part, it'll confine your enemy to a tighter section and lessen the amount of vehicles they have to utilize in most cases. it plays as much of a roll as defending does. This is the cause for my disgust of the war college ribbon.

            but score doesn't mean anything overall...

            a medic that stop to revive you = good
            a medic that runs passed you = bad
            a medic that revives you right in front of a tank = trying, but not quite catching on.

