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noob general questions

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  • noob general questions

    Ok im gonna sk some really newb questions that have been bugging me for a while. Ive been playing since the game was released in the UK up until the 1.21 patch reamed me silly with wierdo lag fps probs (going of topic here)..

    back on topic.. my uber newber questions.

    What the hell button do you press to take control of a vehicles gun if no one else is using it. I cant find it in controls. I always just jump in them and drive.

    What button do i press to demand something direct form my commander. For example when im screaming for ammo cus i wanna blow up more enemy toys.

    I give you all full permission to laugh heartilly and call me noob like names.. as long as you asnwer my noob Q's


  • #2
    Re: noob general questions

    Use the 'F' keys to switch seats in a vehicle. For example 'F2' puts you in the gunner seat in a helicopter or a humvee.

    When you are squad leader, press and hold 'T' to bring up a circle menu (like the one that comes up with the 'Q' key) that allows you to request things from the commander.

    I would laugh but I'm sick today and it hurts to smile.


    • #3
      Re: noob general questions

      use the F keys.


      • #4
        Re: noob general questions

        No worries about the amazing levels of noobletism

        To change spots in a vehicle, you press the "F" buttuns, so to get into the turret of a jeep. hop in then press F2. To switch to other positions, press F3,F4,F5,F6 ets. To get back in the drivers seat always press F1.

        2. If you want to speak directly to the commander, you have to be a squadleader, and you press and hold "T" then click Requesting Supply Drop, and he'll be notified with a little icon where you asked for it.

        Happy Noobing!


        • #5
          Re: noob general questions

          "E" to get in "F1-F6" to change places


          • #6
            Re: noob general questions

            Originally posted by Muddyfunster
            Ok im gonna sk some really newb questions that have been bugging me for a while. Ive been playing since the game was released in the UK up until the 1.21 patch reamed me silly with wierdo lag fps probs (going of topic here)..

            back on topic.. my uber newber questions.

            What the hell button do you press to take control of a vehicles gun if no one else is using it. I cant find it in controls. I always just jump in them and drive.

            What button do i press to demand something direct form my commander. For example when im screaming for ammo cus i wanna blow up more enemy toys.

            I give you all full permission to laugh heartilly and call me noob like names.. as long as you asnwer my noob Q's

            to take controll of a gun when in a veicle is the f keys for example in the humvee f2 is the machine gun f1 drivers seat and f3, f4 are the seats in the back

            u can only cotact the comander directly if u are a squard leader an the button is T


            • #7
              Re: noob general questions

              look at the ground when you request a supply drop

              it asks for supply drops on the position of your crosshairs - so if your looking at a mountain far away - it will ask for it over there.


              • #8
                Re: noob general questions

                Thanks guys.. no longer a newb i feel revived. Now if only EA can fix my game i can try some of these neato tricks!

                Cheers for the cross hair hint i'd have been back with another question if it wasnt for that. "Why's my freaking ammo on teh top of that mountain cappy?"

                Cheers again guys.

                I hereby withdraw permission to laugh at me. (although having a dig for my spelling is probably ok).


