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"Problem with your connection"

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  • "Problem with your connection"

    Anyone else having a problem with thier connections after 1.21?!? Seem like most any server that I join, I run in to some connection problem mid round or just lose connection totally. I know some other friends of mine are loosing connection from time to time to. Just wondering how widespread the problem is....

  • #2
    Re: "Problem with your connection"

    Yea I get that a lot as well. My ping is always 25-60 and it will start lagging and then it will say "There is a Problem with your connection".

    Dont know what it is. :-(


    • #3
      Re: "Problem with your connection"

      i read somewhere around the time that the game came out the supposed fix to this problem was to go into options and change connection settings from the default t1(lan) to cable. don't know if it will work but worth a try.


      • #4
        Re: "Problem with your connection"

        I have mine at cable, but I still get disconnected occasionally. 20-50 something ping and it will suddenly happen, but my actual connection will be fine. It doesn't happen a lot. I DO crash a lot more ever since 1.21, though.


        • #5
          Re: "Problem with your connection"

          Originally posted by Maxor127
          I have mine at cable, but I still get disconnected occasionally. 20-50 something ping and it will suddenly happen, but my actual connection will be fine. It doesn't happen a lot. I DO crash a lot more ever since 1.21, though.
          Ditto :|:


          • #6
            Re: "Problem with your connection"

            Update punkbuster manually is another fix and is usually the main cause. use the pbsetup.exe method.


            • #7
              Re: "Problem with your connection"

              ^^^ Thanks I will try that since I have already tried to change connection speed to cable and it has had no effect...


              • #8
                Re: "Problem with your connection"

                I've manually updated PB three times now. Also set on cable (did this just because...I have cable, lol). No changes.

                CTD, connection problems....seriously getting to the point I want to burn the game.


                • #9
                  Re: "Problem with your connection"

                  yeah im having a problem with my connection aswell.

                  Every 3-5 minutes it quickly bleeps "There is a problem with your connection" and the game stops for a second till the message goes away. It's really messing up my game because im at 30 ping yet the game is lagging like a mother f*****


                  • #10
                    Re: "Problem with your connection"

                    i have updated pb, installed latest drivers, defragged hdd, went through tweak guides and i am still crashing to the desktop. This never happened to me before 1.21 so i think its yet another problem with the latest patch.


                    • #11
                      Re: "Problem with your connection"

                      i get prob with connection too...but it is unpredictable as to when it appears. On some servers i get it just before round ends (as tickets go to 0). Recently on my fav server EASG@pagn (singapore server) i lose connection to the server as a new map loads and then i lose the stats i gained (i know this cos i have lost medals which aint gone to BFHQ)...i thought it was my isp as surfing the net aint been as smooth recently. i dunno whats going on....some servers my rank is wrong (i heard thats a bug) and these servers dont seem to update to my BFHQ either (they are supposed to be ranked) i got 63 kills 1 round as assault but i dint get my expert combat eventhough i had all the neccessary requirements, a bit annoying as i dont fly planes or helios well and so this aint so easy cos most rounds i play end too quickly to get the kills


                      • #12
                        Re: "Problem with your connection"

                        Today I got disconnected three times in a single round.


                        • #13
                          Re: "Problem with your connection"

                          this topic comes up all the time. I think I may have found a fix thanks to another thread.
                          Right click your network connection, then properites and uncheck the box that says QoS packet scheduler.

                          I play on a linksys wireless and this seems to have fixed the problem


                          • #14
                            Re: "Problem with your connection"

                            I had this issue too.. Now I've just updated PB. Hope it fixes this.


                            • #15
                              Re: "Problem with your connection"

                              i have updated pb and it still crashes to desktop. And when there is 1 or 2 tickets left i get connection problems.

