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Bf 2142....

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  • Bf 2142....

    I bet it's just an early April fools joke.

  • #2
    Re: Bf 2142....

    You've ruined the joke!


    • #3
      Re: Bf 2142....

      I hope it is, or it's gonna turn into a early Autum nightmare!


      • #4
        Re: Bf 2142....

        thats an interesting way to put it, but why go through all the trouble


        • #5
          Re: Bf 2142....

          Don't bet on it. EA is all about the bottom line and pumping out as many variations of a game as they can will always be the way they operate.


          • #6
            Re: Bf 2142....

            Originally posted by way21337
            I bet it's just an early April fools joke.
            I bet you're wrong


            • #7
              Re: Bf 2142....

              EA Europe guy told my friend co-journalist it's for real on the last CeBit in Hanover. I'm not sure about it's a good idea for a sequel...


              • #8
                Re: Bf 2142....

                Originally posted by spetznaz_mav
                I'm not sure about it's a good idea for a sequel...
                The only other theater of war that hasn't been extensively explored yet (in battlefield) is sci-fi, so logically thats the direction they'd take it.

                Unless you want a Battlefield WW1, with nothing but bolt actions and "Little Willy" tanks


                • #9
                  Re: Bf 2142....

                  Originally posted by ARC|Noodles
                  Unless you want a Battlefield WW1, with nothing but bolt actions and "Little Willy" tanks
                  YAY! Wouldn't that be fun?? People spending months to put down 200 tickets and airmen struggling with constantly jamming MG's Like in the real WW1

                  But for real: couldn't they do a let's say BF1950 in the fashion of "Iron storm"? You know something like: Russians are winning WW1 which continues till this day and there's a conflict between eastern, pro-russian fractions and western pro-rest-of-the-world fractions. With weapons all made up to be modern but resemble those used in WW1 by their design.

                  What do you think?


                  • #10
                    Re: Bf 2142....

                    You know what would of been better? Battlefield 1415. English longbows against French cavalry. In the the battle of Agincourt.


                    • #11
                      Re: Bf 2142....

                      But the Longbows should always defeat the knights. Thats just how long ranged, superior firepower works.

                      Kind of a boring game.

                      However one of the best mods I ever played for BF V was Insurrection 1776. Great game with muskets, muzzle loading, swords and bayonetts.

                      You were lucky to get one or two shots off before it became a hack and slash. Massed infantry firepower with muskets, precision fire with one or two rifles. Great fun.



                      • #12
                        Re: Bf 2142....

                        Yeah, especially when the "longbows" will still shoot the HellFires


                        • #13
                          Re: Bf 2142....

                          battlefield: American Civil War!!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Bf 2142....

                            Please never mention Iron Storm again. EVER again.

                            Civil War and all that stuff would only appeal to a very small number of people in the United States. I, as a Canadian am not really interested in fighting the American Civil War.

                            We could always do the War of 1812, where a bunch of angry Canadians and Brits burned down the White House


                            • #15
                              Re: Bf 2142....

                              What about Battlefield 2:School Yard Brawl.

