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A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

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  • A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

    This is not a flame post regarding flaws in the game. Instead it's just a few ideas about how to improve the game for just about everyone. Some of these ideas have been mentioned by others as well but I wanted to bring them up in a list...

    - Lets change how the arty works. I think it recharges far too quickly and, truth be told, doesn't take much skill to use. Let's force arty strikes to be requested by a squad leader. Give the requesting squad leader one assist point for every kill that the arty strike yields and subtract one point for each team kill. Same for the commander, one point for every kill and subtract one for every team kill. Make the recharge time 3 minutes and now you've got a useful tool that requires teamwork but won't be overused.

    - The land mines and claymores need to be able to be detonated by other explosives. In the case of land mines, a grenade, tank round or C4 should be able to take them out. In the case of claymores a grenade, C4, or direct gunfire should detonate them. Check my stats and you'll see that I love the claymore as much as anyone else, I just think that this would improve the game. Remember, the vehicle or soldier who is trying to detonate these devices will often be a sitting duck for anyone guarding the area.

    - If one team has an uncappable air base, then both teams should. Once one team controls both air bases, the game is essentially over. Sure everyone will say "stay back and defend your air base!" But, when only one team has to do that while the other can use all of it's resources to take other bases, it makes for uneven play.

    - Flares in aircraft should not have a recharge time but should be limited in number. Somewhere between 3 and 5 would be good. You should then have to rearm them. Due to ever more accurate air to air and ground to air missiles, the pilots tactics have changed. Now they are forced to hit the first target of opportunity more often instead of trying to take out more tactically useful targets. Now, as any BF2 pilot knows, flares do not make all missiles miss their target. It just makes the probability of a miss higher. Trust me, any good pilot can shoot down a flaring enemy.

    - Give the transport chopper 5 flares as with the planes but make it so that flaring almost guarantees a miss. As it is, almost every air to air missile that you fire at a transport chopper either misses completely or goes right through the open side doors. They need to make the transports just like any other aircraft and let missiles hit them. Just make sure that flaring gives them a chance to carry out their task.

    I know that some people will hate these ideas. I'm ok with that. But do me a favor and take a minute to really think about the changes before you start flaming. These are all for balance and not for special interests. They won't improve my stats any. They'll just make the game a bit more fun and, in some cases, more reasonable. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll see you on the battlefield...

  • #2
    Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

    i agree with 2 things
    that claymores but not landmines should be able to be blown up
    and that air vehicles should have a limited number of flares not a reload time

    the rest is not really relevant
    slightly nerf the pkm and do something with the j10 and you have game balance


    • #3
      Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

      some ideas are good , but for my part some extra tweaks to get rid of noobs

      - nades splash damage must be decreased : to stop the nade spamming, some people only trow nades and nades, only thing they do
      - noob tube, armed trigger time , when the nade of the noob tube is fired from to close, it shouldn't bounce, but just don't go off
      - trigger distance and splash damage of clymores must be decreased , now those things get triggerd from like 15 feet


      • #4
        Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

        Originally posted by $kelet0r
        i agree with 2 things
        that claymores but not landmines should be able to be blown up
        and that air vehicles should have a limited number of flares not a reload time

        the rest is not really relevant
        slightly nerf the pkm and do something with the j10 and you have game balance
        Fair enough regarding the land mines. At least they can currently be removed by engineers. The PKM is a tad overpowered but I don't have too much of a problem with the J10. Sure it's a bit more maneuverable but that's something that real life pilots have to deal with, too. You just need to outfly them.


        • #5
          Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

          no offense rombaft but the real claymore makes a wall of fragments about 9 feet high 150 feet deep and in a 150 foot radius with a 30-50 foot back blast.

          personally i think it is fine! but thats just my opinion!


          • #6
            Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

            @ rombaft = yes claymores are at times ridiculous. spotting one 10m away only for you to move to avoid resulting in insta-death when grenades no longer destroy them

            grenades are fine - they are weak enough as it is and one of the recent patches made them weaker - either 1.12 or 1.2
            if the gl had a 10-15m arm distance and a normal grenade blast radius - order would be restored to the universe


            • #7
              Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

              Originally posted by $kelet0r
              claymores but not landmines should be able to be blown up



              • #8
                Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                Originally posted by Variable_k_81
                no offense rombaft but the real claymore makes a wall of fragments about 9 feet high 150 feet deep and in a 150 foot radius with a 30-50 foot back blast.

                personally i think it is fine! but thats just my opinion!

                BF2 has nothing to do with real life

                if it was real life
                - tanks would run over walls
                - C4 splash damage would be like 50m
                - an M95 would take down a chopper in 1 or 2 shots
                - the miniguns on the BH would be devastating for everything what moves
                - ........


                • #9
                  Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                  Originally posted by rombaft
                  some ideas are good , but for my part some extra tweaks to get rid of noobs

                  - nades splash damage must be decreased : to stop the nade spamming, some people only trow nades and nades, only thing they do
                  - noob tube, armed trigger time , when the nade of the noob tube is fired from to close, it shouldn't bounce, but just don't go off
                  - trigger distance and splash damage of clymores must be decreased , now those things get triggerd from like 15 feet
                  There is nade spamming but not like in other games. (CoD2) I don't have too much trouble with it here. Maybe make the nade do much less damage to the classes that wear body armor. I'm torn on the noob tube. Part of me says make it the way it was. If they want to suicide to kill me, fine. But the other part hates getting noob tubed at 3 feet.

                  Originally posted by ||bfa||variable

                  No what? No they shouldn't be able to be blown up or no, landmines too should be able to be blown up. No wonder you have so many posts, it takes a nanosecond and one brain cell to post like that....

                  Also, I'd really like some feedback on the arty idea. It's my favorite of the bunch.


                  • #10
                    Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                    Originally posted by ||bfa||variable

                    it was fine when it was possible - didnt make the claymore any less lethal
                    it just meant that if the sniper left one in a really obvious location you could clear that area by throwing a grenade in
                    it was tactical, it was liked, it was removed


                    • #11
                      Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                      Originally posted by Variable_k_81
                      no offense rombaft but the real claymore makes a wall of fragments about 9 feet high 150 feet deep and in a 150 foot radius with a 30-50 foot back blast.

                      personally i think it is fine! but thats just my opinion!
                      I agree that claymores should be devastating weapons. I just think that there needs to be a way to counter them. (grenades, C4, direct gunfire, etc...)


                      • #12
                        Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                        Balance the jets and their missiles.

                        The more maneuverable the jet, the less maneuverable it's missiles should be. Not the opposite that it is right now.

                        and mines should not be blown up by tank rounds, makes them useless.


                        • #13
                          Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                          Originally posted by $kelet0r
                          it was fine when it was possible - didnt make the claymore any less lethal
                          it just meant that if the sniper left one in a really obvious location you could clear that area by throwing a grenade in
                          it was tactical, it was liked, it was removed
                          I am starting a thread to discuss this... we'll talk there.


                          • #14
                            Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                            Originally posted by Variable_k_81
                            no offense rombaft but the real claymore makes a wall of fragments about 9 feet high 150 feet deep and in a 150 foot radius with a 30-50 foot back blast.

                            personally i think it is fine! but thats just my opinion!
                            Yes... And from the bf2s wiki...

                            It's an arc from 9-12 feet out based on where you are in the kill zone.


                            • #15
                              Re: A few minor tweaks away from greatness!

                              Originally posted by Havik89
                              Balance the jets and their missiles.

                              The more maneuverable the jet, the less maneuverable it's missiles should be. Not the opposite that it is right now.

                              and mines should not be blown up by tank rounds, makes them useless.
                              It doesn't make them useless, it makes the tank stop and fire at them making him a sitting duck for AT. However, I see your point and I can say that making a tank round destroy a mine would be a bit too easy. However, how about if the mines couldn't be seen by the enemy like in real life. Maybe make it so that primary fire tosses the mine out there for when the tank is already at your base and you need to move fast. But seconday fire takes a second or two and covers the mine over making the enemy not be able to see them...

                              Go to for the latest mofo gear.

