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Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

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  • Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

    Ok, well Ive noticed alot lately that the ground AA seems to ignore the flares from choppers about 70-80% of the time....

    Its really frustrating too, because il just drop flares and then go "WTF!" when im hit by both missiles....

    Anyone else noticed this? A2A the flares seem to work ok...but not S2A...

  • #2
    Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

    Ya I have noticed that as well since 1.21. On Iron Gator there seems to be the reverse . The missiles seem to go around the choppers and fly off harmlessly without any intervention from flares.


    • #3
      Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

      I've noticed this some, just lately.

      I noticed something tho. When you fire missiles now, they have a travel time before they start to manuever. When you're close to an AA emplacement, it seems very possible to get dinged by missiles that are still dumbflying.

      FYI, I managed to grab a BR demo from a round I played last night that shows all sorts of interesting chopper stuff. I had a noobish gunner, so it's not spectacular, but we did respecably. I enjoyed the round despite getting shot down a hella lot more than I'm used to via pre-1.2 standards. Gonna see about pulling some clips 'n making something amusing.


      • #4
        Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

        Thats because the closer you get, the less they work... I would be willing to bet you were within 100m of the AA and got killed.


        • #5
          Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

          Indeed really suxors espexially on special forces when the maps are so small.

          You need to use your map more and look for occupied AA and tv them just as you enter the 400 m range, you prolly know that already though... but a usefull tip for those that dont.

          Once your locked by ground AA you very rarely get away without being hit at least once


          • #6
            Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

            Can't really comment on the specifics of the game, however flying helicopters has basically become a preplacement for the suicide button with this new improved AA.

            It's really funny how they not only made the AA stronger, which I believe would of proven enough. They had to go the extra mile and actually strip the helicopter of all it's power by not only reducing it's payload but its hitpoints altogether. I'm pretty sure someone on the dev team went to this length because he had enough of being killed by them, can't say I blame him, but he shouldn't have taken their frustrations out on the whole community.

            Thank you! We owe it to you whoever made this decision. The helicopters have become completely useless tools. Mission accomplished.

            But on a serious note, helicopters are still able to cause some havok if you know how to use them and take out the AA before it hits you, you just have to be aware of your surroundings.


            • #7
              Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

              Thats because the closer you get, the less they work... I would be willing to bet you were within 100m of the AA and got killed.
              I was barely within stinger lock range...I don't know what that is...but it was really far away....

              It's really funny how they not only made the AA stronger, which I believe would of proven enough. They had to go the extra mile and actually strip the helicopter of all it's power by not only reducing it's payload but its hitpoints altogether. I'm pretty sure someone on the dev team went to this length because he had enough of being killed by them, can't say I blame him, but he shouldn't have taken their frustrations out on the whole community.
              AMEN! ^^^^

              The truth...the truth...

              But on a serious note, helicopters are still able to cause some havok if you know how to use them and take out the AA before it hits you, you just have to be aware of your surroundings.
              I understand just saying that S2A missiles ignore the flares WAY more often than A2A ones...


              • #8
                Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

                You point the chopper at AA sites though your average gunner will just ignore them .

                Alcorr whats that heli in your avatar ?


                • #9
                  Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

                  Originally posted by GameWizard
                  Can't really comment on the specifics of the game, however flying helicopters has basically become a preplacement for the suicide button with this new improved AA.
                  I beg to differ...

                  Sure, you die now when you're flying choppers, but not more-so than you do on foot. When you play smart in a chopper, you can still make a big impact. During that round I mentioned above, my noob gunner (who I actually had to talk through the use of TVGMs via VoIP) still managed to snag the gold medal. This was on Wake so his beating out of J-10s wasn't a minor thing.


                  • #10
                    Re: Flares on helis not working well vs. ground AA?

                    You point the chopper at AA sites though your average gunner will just ignore them
                    Yes that is very frustrating, at least its not as bad as when im hovering near the essex gun in perfect TV position and then I die and I ask my gunner why he didn't fire the tv missile:

                    "O yeah, forgot about those"

                    Lol, why can't everyone on the other team forget about all their guns and just use knives?

